
Conservative Actor Announces New Documentary About God and America

Photo from Nick Searcy Twitter

Conservative Actor Announces New Documentary About God and America

By Cooper Dowd, Staff Writer

Actor Nick Searcy, who appeared as Stan in 2000’s CAST AWAY, told Fox News about his upcoming documentary for the Western Conservative Summit called AMERICA, AMERICA, GOD SHED HIS GRACE ON THEE. 

According to Searcy, the documentary seeks to discuss the influence biblical values and God had on the nation’s founding and why it is crucial to retain those values for the future.  The movie contains various interviews with conservative icons and leaders in America’s faith community.

“It’s a film that tries to tell the story of the relationship between God and America, from its founding until now—in one hour,” Searcy said. “It’s a pretty ambitious project.”

The project is already experiencing pushback from the mainstream media platform YouTube, which flagged the documentary’s first four-minute trailer for having inappropriate content. Searcy said that he did not see a justifiable reason for flagging for the trailer, given its mild nature.  

“They flagged the trailer we put out, a four-minute trailer, saying that it had disturbing graphic content or something about sensitive issues,” Searcy explained. “Basically, the only thing we could possibly figure out that might have been sensitive or graphic is, there are about four seconds of actual riots that are happening in America—and the rest of the time it’s just people talking about the Bible. So I don’t know which of those two things they found so offensive but it was one of the two. It couldn’t have been anything else.”

Searcy, 61, said that having the ability to talk with so many great minds was humbling.   

“It was humbling to be in the room with all these people. It really was,” he said. “People like Ben Carson, Herman Cain, Ben Shapiro, Alveda King, and Andrew Young — all in Atlanta we did these. Just a really smart, wonderful, enjoyable group of people to be in a room with for a couple of hours. It was an honor to have a conversation with each of them.”

Searcy also said that the movie has Herman Cain’s last interview before he passed away in July at age 74 and is grateful he could see Cain’s real personality.  

“It’s Herman Cain’s last interview,” he added. “That was an incredible experience. In the film, we give people an idea, in a short time, what Herman Cain was really like and what a wonderful man he really was. He was more than just a politician or businessman. He was a hilarious, fun person just to be around and I think we get that across in the movie.”

Another one of the movie’s interviewees, Alveda King, spoke with Fox News about her part in the documentary and emphasized her sentiment that “America needs God.” 

“America needs God. It’s time to return to God; as one blood, one human race nation,” King told Fox News.

Searcy is a rare vocal conservative figure in Hollywood and says that he cannot go along with the political agenda to be popular in his field.

“There’s a few of us,” Searcy said. “It’s funny, you wouldn’t know it from what you see in the news but there are more people out here that agree with me than you would think. A lot of them come up to me and say, ‘You’re crazy! I wouldn’t speak out the way you do, because I know it would hurt my bottom line.'”

“It is sort of an unpopular view out here, but as I’ve gotten older my priorities have changed anyway,” Searcy continued. “And I’d rather be honest and work toward the kinds of things that I want to see in the world—rather than just being a hired hand and saying whatever Hollywood wants me to say, whether I agree with it or not. I’ve kind of gotten pickier in my old age.”

Searcy added that the movie’s goal is to inform audiences about important material. However, he does not want to neglect the humorous and entertaining qualities.  

“It’s a real experiment, this movie, because it’s a combination of informative and funny and touching,” Searcy said. “The material is important. It’s key to our nation’s survival—but it’s also enjoyable to watch. It’s not heavy or ponderous. There’s a lot of great humor in it, and it’s touching.”

This film, set to come out less than a month away from Election Day on October 10, will be streamed online taking the place of the Western Conservative Summit gathering due to the coronavirus outbreak.


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