
Star Drops Massive Hint About BLUE BLOODS’ Future

Star Drops Massive Hint About BLUE BLOODS’ Future

By Movieguide® Contributor

BLUE BLOODS actor Donnie Wahlberg believes the show will continue — or at least in a new iteration.

“We filmed the apparent last season of BLUE BLOODS, and it’ll air starting in October. Maybe there’ll be something else after that. I don’t know anything officially yet, but there’s things in the works. So maybe something awesome will happen,” Walhberg said in a recent video, adding, “You know I’ll do things after BLUE BLOODS no matter what.”

Movieguide® reported last month:

While CBS continues on its path to end BLUE BLOODS this fall, the studio’s president, David Stapf, hinted that some of the characters may return in the future.

“We don’t have anything that’s going to be in development soon but it’s a brand, a title and a show that is beloved,” Stapf told Deadline. “We’ve got to get it right so we’re taking our time and trying to figure out [a new show]. What is the next iteration of BLUE BLOODS? We have a whole season to go where we intend to celebrate it all season long as to how good that show is, so there’s still time for us to figure that out.”

BLUE BLOODS finished filming in July. The “apparent” final episodes will air Fridays, October through December.

Screen Rant assessed that a spinoff of the show could be very successful, but it’d have to maintain its predecessor’s “focus on family values” because that’s a key reason why the show is so popular. Several BLUE BLOODS episodes have won Movieguide® Teddy Bear Awards® for such values.

Wahlberg previously expressed disbelief that the show was ending.

“Four years ago we were in this room and none of us knew if we would ever see each other again for a lot worse reasons. Maybe one of the worst days of my life, and I’m sure in a lot of your lives,” the actor said. “We didn’t know what was going to happen in this world, and somehow we got another few years together and God willing we’ll get some more time together to do something magical again. I would just be honored to work with any of you again and I pray that that can happen, one way or another, I won’t give up trying.”

His co-star, Tom Selleck, expressed similar sentiments, calling it a “dream come true” to work with the show’s cast and crew and thanking CBS and the series’ fans.

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