
What Dean Cain’s Take on Transgenderism Teaches Us About God’s Design

What Dean Cain’s Take on Transgenderism Teaches Us About God’s Design

By Movieguide® Contributor

LOIS & CLARK star Dean Cain isn’t afraid to share his opinions on X, especially when it comes to standing up for truth.

In a post from 2022, “Clown World shared a video of two trans-women playing totally and completely embarrassing caricatures of girls (giggling, wearing sunglasses, talking like 12-year-old girls),” Twitchy reported.

One of those “girls” was trans activist Dylan Mulvaney.

“I think…neither of you are girls,” Cain responded to the video. Another X user clapped back, saying, “And you were never Superman either.”

To which Cain said, “Correct. I pretended.”

Through this exchange, Cain is highlighting what a biblical perspective on gender and sexuality looks like.

This is not a matter of, “Well, where exactly in the Bible does it say a male can’t be a female and a female can’t be a male?”

It doesn’t explicitly say that, but from the very beginning of the Bible, in Genesis 1, God clearly delineates his design for men and women. Genesis 1:27 reads:

So God created mankind in his own image,
in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them.

God created male, and He created female, each with their own unique purpose so that we would bear His image! This means that the gender God created you as is who He intends for you to be.

The thing that skews this thought for people is sin and free will.

We don’t make it very far in the opening pages of the Bible to see that humans messed it all up. Adam and Eve decided not to trust the Creator of the universe and instead chose to do their own thing. They ate from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil — the one tree God told them not to eat from. They were given thousands of other trees to eat from and only one they couldn’t, and they chose to reject God’s command.

That is when sin entered the world, and from then on, humans were separated from God until Jesus came to earth. He lived a perfect life, died for our sins and rose again. Those who recognize their sinful ways and accept Jesus’ gift of forgiveness are promised eternal life with Him.

It’s free will — the freedom to choose between right and wrong, good and evil — that determines the trajectory of a person’s life.

For those in the transgender community, their choices have led them into sin. This doesn’t mean that God doesn’t love them. In fact, God so deeply desires a relationship with them that He sent his only son to die for them. However, they must decide whether or not they will accept that gift.

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