

What You Need To Know:

Based on the novel by Pastor John Hagee, JERUSALEM COUNTDOWN tells the story of war events leading up to the rapture. FBI agent Shane Daughtry is thrust into a chase to find nuclear bombs smuggled into the United States. When he teams with CIA agent Eve Rearden, they discover that this ploy is just a diversion for a bigger agenda set in motion, events leading to Armageddon. Pulling inspiration from the likes of 24 and THE BOURNE IDENTITY, the action is constant and entertaining.

This may be one of the better apocalyptic movies that has a strong Christian message. Plenty of adventure, yet the gospel is not lost within the story. In fact, where the gospel message can often be so heavy handed that it becomes “cheesy,” this movie manages to keep it realistic and important to the plot. David A.R. White has done a great job with this latest role teaming up again with Stacy Keach. Jaci Velasquez did a wonderful job as the young woman concerned for her husband. There is enough violence to warrant caution to younger viewers but older children and adults alike will enjoy this movie.


(CCC, PPP, VV, A, M) Christian world view but through the eyes of an unbeliever; patriotic world view as FBI and CIA agents fight for the safety and security of the United States and their allies; no foul language; much gun violence between police/federal agents and terrorists but no blood is ever seen, group of men are shot and killed, man shot in chest and gasps for air while dying, man knocked out by exploding oil drums, man shot in chair, two policeman shot by a machine gun, two men fight, head is thrown against table, man punched in chest, man slapped and pushed up against wall and thrown on table during interrogation, truck crashes into car, plane explodes, man stabbed with needle twice with “truth serum” while being interrogated; no sexual immorality but a man and woman kiss; no nudity; characters meet in a bar, one sips from what appears to be an alcoholic drink, but never clarified; no smoking; and, man buys illegal fake drivers license, man breaks into neighbors house, lying.

More Detail:

Not your typical rapture movie, JERUSALEM COUNTDOWN is an intense thrill ride with a gospel message. Extremely well executed and not a slow moment in the movie, the viewer will stay on the edge of their seat and engaged through the entire setting.

The opening scene is action packed; truck speeds through and smashes into a car, a helicopter crashes, people in the streets screaming, all while agent Shane Daughtry (played by David A.R. White) looks among the chaos, bruised, tired and amazed. The movie then leaps back to reveal how our hero got to this point. Six days earlier, as negotiations for a peace treaty in Israel is taking place, FBI agent Shane Daughtry is thrust into a chase to find nuclear bombs smuggled into the United States. When he teams with CIA agent Eve Rearden, they begin to discover that this ploy is just a diversion for a bigger agenda set in motion.

Based on the book written by Pastor John Hagee, Director Harold Cronk does a superb job of bringing this story of Armageddon espionage to life. Every actor brought to the table a wonderful array of character development. A regular in the Christian movie industry, David A.R. White brings a sense of realism that is often challenged from an actor being within the same niche for so long. As a television actor may have trouble delivering a quality performance in a movie, David breaks the mold of Christian entertainment by his top-notch delivery. Seasoned actors, Lee Majors and Stacy Keach were a lot of fun to watch in these hard-hitting roles and two musician turned actors; Randy Travis and Jaci Velasquez both did a wonderful and surprising job. The action sequences were very well choreographed. The explosions and special effects were very well done, not quite the scale of INDEPENDENCE DAY or 2012 but much better than most.

JERUSALEM COUNTDOWN may not be suitable for young audiences. There is gun violence throughout the entire movie, but there is no blood or extreme graphic depiction of death. Several hand-to-hand fights take place between the hero and the terrorists he’s after. One integration scene has the hero punching and pinning the suspect to wall and then slamming the suspect on the table and stabbing him with a needle filled wih truth serum. Discretion for young audience members is strongly advised but teenagers and adults may enjoy the adventure and thrill of the ride.

Quality: - Content: +2
Quality: - Content: +4