"Old School vs. New School"

None | Light | Moderate | Heavy | |
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What You Need To Know:
PARENTAL GUIDANCE has lots of humor and heart. It will make viewers laugh and cry, sometimes at the same time. Billy Crystal and Bette Midler are very funny as the grandparents. They are a joy to watch. Also, Crystal delivers an impassioned plea for common sense parenting in one scene that many parents will want to stand up and cheer. His speech also promotes the value of competition and achievement as the best ways to build self-esteem. However, PARENTAL GUIDANCE has some scatological comedy, mostly involving the 3-year-old boy.
(BBB, PP, L, V, M) Very strong moral, pro-parent, pro-family worldview with some strong but brief content supporting traditional American values of tough love and competition satirizing today’s feely touchy liberal parenting and liberal antagonism against teaching children how to compete in sports; no foul language but some scatological content that younger children may emulate such as 3-year-old boy calls his grandfather “Fartie” instead of Artie and pees on skateboard ramp; some slapstick violence such as cake fight, two or three groin hits, man on skateboard tumbles when skateboard hits liquid; no sex scenes but married couple leaves children with grandparents to go on a trip to be alone; no nudity; no alcohol use; no smoking or drugs; and, joke between grandmother and mother when grandmother says granddaughter should wear a dress that shows off her “cute heinie.”
More Detail:
PARENTAL GUIDANCE is a funny, often delightful, family movie about parenting. It has some content with scatological humor, however, so parents will want to be cautious.
Alice and Phil suddenly need a babysitter to take care of their three children during their upcoming vacation together. Phil suggests they use Alice’s parents, Artie and Diane. Alice reluctantly agrees, as do her parents.
Sure enough, Alice’s fears seem to be well founded. Her father, Artie, is preoccupied with just having lost his longtime job as a minor league baseball radio announcer. He’s also upset that some of the modern rules in his grandchildren’s lives don’t make sense to him. For example, he causes a ruckus because the older son’s Little League baseball team doesn’t keep score. In addition, Artie’s not too fond of his daughter’s “helicopter” parent way of raising her children.
Making matters worse, the 3-year-old grandson proves difficult to handle. Also, the older grandson and granddaughter have unique problems of their own. The grandson has a stuttering problem, and the granddaughter wants to forego violin practice for a birthday party. Artie and Diane are reluctant to use their “old school” parenting methods, which don’t match their own daughter’s more lax, modern way of parenting.
Finally, however, Artie has had enough. He and Diane start parenting their grandchildren their way. Everything vastly improves, but a couple crises may derail the whole shebang.
PARENTAL GUIDANCE has lots of humor and lots of heart. It will make viewers laugh and cry, sometimes at the same time. Billy Crystal and Bette Midler are very funny as the grandparents. They are a joy to watch. Also, Crystal delivers an impassioned plea for common sense parenting in one scene that many parents will want to stand up and cheer. His speech also promotes the value of competition and achievement as the best ways to build self-esteem.
However, PARENTAL GUIDANCE has some scatological content, mostly involving the 3-year-old boy. Please see our CONTENT section for details.