

"Running the Race of Life and Faith"

What You Need To Know:

RACE TO THE FINISH is an inspiring, entertaining one-hour Christian television drama. It follows the story of Harlan, a mentally disabled teenage boy who’s the victim of bullies. Cut to years later, where a pastor at Harlan’s funeral tells Harlan’s story. Harlan is beaten up and taunted by bullies due to his diminished mental state. Paul, another student, befriends Harlan and invites him to play a game of street football. It becomes clear Harlan has an incredible gift for speed. This leads Paul to inspire Harlan to join the school track team. When the bullies taunt Harlan again, Harlan whispers something in the lead bully’s ear. Will the bullies bother Harlan and Paul again? How will Harlan do at the big track meet?

RACE TO THE FINISH features a strong message extolling forgiveness and prayer. It also promotes God’s presence in all our lives and the value of every humans being. It has strong performances and some solid cinematography. A montage sequence showing Harlan’s track and field training has a good sense of humor and pacing. RACE TO THE FINISH is positive, redemptive entertainment that will inspire and captivate viewers.


(CCC, BBB, V, M). A touching one-hour drama with a very strong Christian, moral worldview about a mentally challenged boy who overcomes bullying through his Christian faith and belief in Scripture as well as an understanding friend; no foul language; a couple light bullying scenes, including one where a group of four teenage boys punch and threaten the mentally disabled one and then punch a normal male teen who tries to save the challenged one, with the disabled teen shown with a bloody nose; no sexual content; no nudity; mo alcohol; no smoking or drugs; and, bullies verbally taunt disabled boy and his friend, but bully repents after being told God loves him and is always with him.

More Detail:

RACE TO THE FINISH is an inspiring, entertaining one-hour Christian inspirational drama. It follows the story of Harlan, a mentally disabled teen boy who’s the victim of bullies until a normal classmate named Paul becomes his friend and inspires him to become a track runner at their local high school.

The program begins with a sad prologue. Harlan’s mother abandons him on the porch of a home when he’s a very young child. Cut to a funeral for Harlan after his adulthood. The pastor leading the funeral tells Harlan’s story.

Harlan is beaten up and taunted by bullies due to his diminished mental state. Until another student, Paul, befriends Harlan. Paul invites Harlan to play a game of street football. It becomes clear Harlan has an incredible gift for speed. This leads Paul to inspire Harlan to join the school track team.

When the bullies taunt Harlan again, Harlan whispers something in the lead bully’s ear. It’s later revealed that Harlan told the bully that God loves him and is always there for him. Will Harlan’s message get through to the bully and his mean friends? How will Harlan do at the big track meet?

RACE TO THE FINISH features a solid message extolling forgiveness and prayer. It also promotes God’s presence in all our lives and the value of every person, including those who are often disregarded by society. The disabled boy stands strong in his faith, quoting Scripture to the bully as well as his friend, and wins over the bully to righteousness.

RACE TO THE FINISH has strong performances along with solid cinematography. A montage sequence showing Harlan’s track and field training has a good sense of humor and pacing. The movie is slightly saccharine in a couple of places, and audiences need to pay close attention to catch the ending’s surprise revelation. Overall, however, RACE TO THE FINISH is positive, redemptive entertainment that will inspire and captivate viewers. In fact, it’s already being used by some Christian, and even some public, schools.

“Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.”

– Hebrews 12:1,2

Quality: - Content: +1
Quality: - Content: +3