

"Absolutely Awesome Epic"


What You Need To Know:

THE DARK KNIGHT RISES is an awesome, redemptive epic. Gotham City thinks Batman killed the heroic Harvey Dent, who actually died as a villain. Meanwhile, a totally evil man with a horrendous mask named Bane kidnaps a nuclear scientist from a CIA aircraft. While the police have gotten lazy, Bane and his secret army want to take down the rich, occupy the city and turn control over to the mob. Bane springs his revolution on Gotham, imprisons Batman and steals Bruce Wayne’s fusion reactor to build a powerful bomb. The city is in crisis. Several key people, including the thief Catwoman, could turn to the good and save the day, but not unless Batman rises.

THE DARK KNIGHT RISES is redemptive, explosive, entertaining and riveting. It’s very well-constructed. The action violence is intense and there’s some foul language and sensuality. However, villains are transformed, people find hope and faith, and good is victorious. Also, communist tyranny and revolution are shown as bad while the good is self-sacrificing, loyal and concerned about other people. MOVIEGUIDE® commends the filmmakers, with a caution for some intense action violence, foul language and brief sensuality.


(CC, BBB, ACACAC, LL, VV, S, N, A, DD, M) Strong allegorical redemptive Christian worldview with strong Christian, redemptive elements with crosses and churches in the background, a Catholic orphanage, prayer is extolled, self-sacrifice for others, clear redemptive themes, and with very strong moral elements of good triumphing over evil, exposing New Age thinking, occupy “power to the people” socialist communist politics, and an evil occult sect trying to nefariously keep a phony balance in society as opposed to Christian historical progress ; 12 obscenities and 1 profanities including Jesus’ name in vain; a lot of strong action violence but not much blood, Batman says no guns and don’t kill, while Catwoman says she believes in guns but Batman fights for justice, broken backs, constant battles and fighting, explosions, and knifings; implied fornication and some kissing; upper male nudity and implied nudity; alcohol use; no overt drug use and morphine addiction but rebuked; and, lying, stealing, pragmatism is extolled over morality but that’s rebuked, quitting but that’s shown as bad, not standing up for good but that’s attacked and shown as bad, and amorality but shown as bad.

More Detail:

THE DARK KNIGHT RISES is an awesome epic that’s redemptive, explosive, entertaining, and riveting.

The movie starts with Commissioner Gordon honoring Harvey Dent, although anyone who’s seen the last movie knows Harvey Dent turned to evil and became Two Face. The police chief and the mayor hate Batman because they believe he killed Harvey Dent, they believe the lie that Dent was a mythic, law enforcement hero. Choosing this myth, they have passed the Dent Act, which puts criminals away with no appeal. So, they think they have removed crime from Gotham City.

Meanwhile, a man with a very horrendous mask named Bane kidnaps a nuclear scientist from a CIA aircraft. While the police have gotten fat and lazy, Bane has built an underground army in the sewers of Gotham. He and his army want to take down the rich, occupy the city, and start the revolution to give the city back to the people. Bane knows Wayne Industries developed fusion power, which could have brought clean energy to mankind, but that Bruce Wayne stopped the fusion project, because he realizes the same fusion project could be turned into an incredible bomb.

The totally evil Bane springs his revolution on the city of Gotham, beats up Batman, and sends him to an impregnable prison while seizing the fusion reactor to create a bomb. Mr. Fox, Wayne’s ally in charge of development, knows the bomb will become unstable and explode in a few days, so it’s a very deadly ticking time bomb.

Bane has blown up the bridges, cutting off Gotham from the world. Batman is a broken Bruce Wayne in prison. Fox and the board of Wayne Industries are trapped. Meanwhile, Bane’s revolutionary council of justice similar to the French Revolution is condemning the rich and the famous to death. And, it looks like there’s no hope. Several key people, including the thief Catwoman, could turn to the good and save the day, but not unless Batman rises.

THE DARK KNIGHT RISES is an incredibly well-constructed movie. It balances a lot of action adventure, chills and thrills with very astute, heard-rending character moments, and some truly funny moments. A movie that understands the orchestration of emotion is laudable and exceptionable. Christopher Nolan is to be congratulated.

The action violence in THE DARK KNIGHT RISES intense but not bloody and gruesome. The thrills keep you on the edge of your seat. There is some annoying profanity and obscenity but very little. Regrettably, Bruce Wayne is seduced.

That said, villains are transformed, people find hope and faith, and good is victorious. Also, communism, revolution, envy, greed, and mob rule are shown to be bad. Meanwhile, the good is shown as self-sacrificing, loyal, redemptive, and concerned about other people.

For people of faith and values, THE DARK KNIGHT RISES is an entertaining epic treat. For those on the side of the Occupy Power to the People movement, Batman exposes their nefarious, destructive ways, and they will not appreciate it.

MOVIEGUIDE® commends the filmmakers, with a caution for children.

Quality: - Content: -1
Quality: - Content: -1