
TROLL (2022)

"Fun, Lighthearted Fantasy Adventure from Norway"


What You Need To Know:

TROLL is a fantasy adventure movie from Norway on Netflix, about a giant troll who wakes up and strikes fear into people as it approaches Oslo. The movie follows Nora Tidemann, a young paleontologist, as she tries to figure out how to stop the troll. Nora and the Norwegian government don’t believe the creature is a troll at first. However, Nora remembers the old fairy tales her father used to tell her as a child. Nora convinces her father to help them, and they track down the monster. Nora’s worst fears are realized when they discover the giant troll is headed straight to Oslo. She must use her knowledge about fairy tales to save the day.

TROLL is a fun, lighthearted adventure fantasy. It has a simple storyline and simple characters. However, it’s never boring, has some funny jokes, and ultimately champions how people must work together for the common good. The movie also has a theme of family reconciliation between a daughter and a father. TROLL has some brief foul language and action violence. So, MOVIEGUIDE® advises caution for older children.


(BB, C, L, VV, AA):

Dominant Worldview and Other Worldview Content/Elements:
Strong moral worldview about overcoming a struggle with unity and the help of loyal friends, plus a theme of family reconciliation between a daughter and a father, with some minor Christian content, including references to the Christianization of Norway and church bells

Foul Language:
Several obscenities (including “s,” “d” and “h” words) and some mild name calling

Norwegians fight a giant Troll who destroys part of their city, a Troll eats a person, military threaten to nuke an entire city but are stopped, and lots of action peril involving guns and car chases, but no graphic violence or blood

No sex

No nudity

Alcohol Use:
Brief scene with champagne at a party, and there’s a reference to trolls being drunk

Smoking and/or Drug Use and Abuse:
No smoking or drug content;

Miscellaneous Immorality:
Nothing else objectionable.

More Detail:

TROLL is a fantasy adventure movie from Norway on Netflix, about a giant troll who wakes up and strikes fear into people as it approaches Oslo, but a young paleontologist uses her memory of the old fairy tales her father told her to save the day. TROLL is a fun, lighthearted adventure fantasy celebrating how people must work together for the common good, but it has some brief foul language and action violence.

The story begins as a young Nora Tidemann climbs a mountain with her father. As they reach the top, he tells her an ancient fairytale about the trolls that used to roam Norway. Nora says she’s too old for fairytales, but her father continues to believe they’re out there, sleeping.

The movie fast forwards, and Nora is now a successful paleontologist. Sadly, she’s estranged from her father due to his obsession with fairytales. However, when the Norwegian government start blowing holes through a mountain for their new high-speed railway, a mysterious monster is awakened. Government officials, military personnel and Nora are summoned to a secret bunker with the country’s prime minister to figure out what threat the creature poses to Norway.

Nora works with Andreas, the Prime Minister’s right-hand man, in search of the creature. After a video is released, Nora knows her father can help identify the creature. However, she’s reluctant, because she credits his obsession with fairy tales to their estrangement.

Nora eventually convinces her father to help them, and they track down the monster. As it turns out, Nora’s worst fears are realized when they discover the giant troll is headed straight to Oslo.

Will they be able to work together to save their country? Or will the government intervention become a bigger obstacle than the giant troll?

TROLL is a fun, lighthearted adventure fantasy. It has a simple storyline and simple characters. However, TROLL is never boring, has some funny jokes, and ultimately champions how people must work together for the common good. Aside from some foul language, which is in Norwegian, and brief instances of violence, TROLL could be a fun watch for older children and their parents. MOVIEGUIDE® advises caution for older children.