"The Strange Definitely Get Stranger "

None | Light | Moderate | Heavy | |
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(LLL, N, S, VVV, AA, D, MM, AC, BB, C, Cap, Fe, FR, Ho, O, P, Pa)
More Detail:
STRANGER THINGS is a popular science fiction series that follows a group of teenagers and an adult from Indiana as they deal with the conundrum of interdimensional creatures. STRANGER THINGS: Season 3 is well-paced, well-acted and has a score that seamlessly coincides with on-screen events. Also, the season has a very pro-capitalism worldview with some subtle Christian references despite the fact that there are some tidbits of feminism and a mention of a character who is part of a false religion. However, due to some heavy foul language, some violence, sex and other unsavory elements, MOVIEGUIDE® recommends caution for some episodes and extreme caution for others.
Set in 1985, “Chapter 1: Suzie Do You Copy?” opens as the cast of characters enjoys their summer. One character makes the trek back from camp; some start new jobs; and, others are navigating new romantic relationships. Yet, something isn’t quite right.
In the previous season, Will, a teenage character, was rescued from possession of an interdimensional character called The Mind Flayer which threatened to infect society at large. Thinking all is well and they can continue with their lives, a series of events tells Will and his friends that something is fishy.
As it would appear, the Mind Flayer never returned to its proper dimension when Eleven, a female teenage character who has special powers after laboratory testing mutated her genetic makeup, closed “the gate” to this other dimension. The Mind Flayer is still at large and lying in wait for the next person to attack. To top it off, the Soviets are conducting experiments hoping to open the gate in a secret facility under a shopping mall.
The series follows familiar faces and some new ones as they try to turn right their world and protect those they love.
Overall, STRANGER THINGS is well-paced keeping the audience engaged with on-screen action. 1980s aficionados will appreciate the touch of authenticity in regard to props, costuming, etc. STRANGER THINGS sometimes has Christian references and definitely deals with what some could read as dealing with other forces, since Christians are aware of the true evil forces at war on Earth. That said, it’s also vital to know that there are some occult worldview issues as well as mentions of false religion. Positively, the season extols capitalism and does place a strong value on helping others.
MOVIEGUIDE® notes that most of the episodes in Season 3 merit extreme caution for violence, foul language used by teenagers and children, and for alcohol, stealing, and lying. Also, one episode contains a homosexual reference to one teenage girl’s crush on another female. Viewing for children is not recommended, and older viewers should only watch with extreme caution.