Tim Tebow Explains How Prayer Connects Us ‘to the Source of Life’
By Movieguide® Contributor
God desires a relationship with all his children, and evangelist and Heisman Trophy winner Tim Tebow is sharing how prayer connects us to Him.
“I think when we think about prayer it’s not just that we pray for things because we hope that God answers our prayers,” Tebow began in an Instagram video. “I think we should pray and ask God for things that are on our heart because I think God wants us to be open and share with Him our hearts and our hearts desire. But that’s still not the reason that we should pray. Why we should pray is because when we pray we get to be connected to the source of life.”
“It’s not just about telling God things, and he’s not like, ‘Oh my gosh, I wasn’t aware of that and now I am,'” he continued. “‘Thank you for telling me.’ It’s that when we get connected to Him and spend time with Him, it’s that there’s something that happens to us.”
“I think it’s important that we share our heart to our Creator, and we get to, and I believe he wants us to,” he added. “But the impact is not if God answers that prayer. The impact is that we get to be connected to Him. And you can’t be connected to Him and not.”
“God is also pulling on our hearts and longing for our attention,” he said in a blog post. “He wants us to spend time with Him, and we need Him to live our lives on mission. Do we prioritize that need as much as the needs of this world?”
Many of Tebow’s followers commented on his video.
“Amen. Definitely about something that happens to us rather than getting exactly what we prayed for,” one follower commented.
“Amen ?? pray without ceasing. God loves when we do. He’s always there for us,” another fan wrote.
While in the NFL, Tebow became known for taking a knee in prayer after scoring a touchdown.
“A lot of people even think it was a touchdown celebration,’’ he said. “I never did it to celebrate a touchdown. I did it from my sophomore year in high school all the way through the NFL, that before and after games I would get on a knee to thank my Lord and savior, Jesus Christ, and also put things into perspective.”
Movieguide® previously reported on Tebow:
Tim Tebow, a former NFL star and now ESPN broadcaster and speaker, uses his platform to encourage his fans and point them to God.
In a recent Instagram post, Tebow shared, “I promise you this: God will use your gifts and abilities in His way and for His plan. Rather than try to figure out or influence how He will make it happen, focus on Him.”
He included Jeremiah 29:13 in the caption: “If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.”