
Joe Kennedy Writes Book About Supreme Court Win, Life and Childhood

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Joe Kennedy Writes Book About Supreme Court Win, Life and Childhood

By Movieguide® Contributor

Joe Kennedy, the high school football coach who went to the Supreme Court after he lost his job because he prayed on the field, just announced that he wrote a book, “Average Joe,” about his life and Supreme Court case experience.

“I’ve always looked at myself actually [as] below average,” Kennedy told the Daily Signal. “I really had no idea that God was going to take my life in this way, in this path.”

In the book, “Kennedy describes the behind-the-scenes experiences he had over the course of eight years, from when he filed his lawsuit against the school district until the Supreme Court ruled 6-3 last year that school officials were wrong to punish him,” the Christian Post reported.

The story also delves into the time before the court case, taking readers back to when Kennedy was a kid. The coach shared that he wants people to have a better idea of who he is. He also had a troubled past and believes that it’s important for him to share that with others.

He said, “I never wanted to be held back by my past and to really show people that even the most troubled people in the world can end up being used by God for some amazing things.”

“I wanted to be able to tell my whole story,” the coach said. “So many people will end up just seeing a headline or a social media post, and when I started talking to people, I had to tell the same story over and over again. And I just thought, ‘Man, this really needs to be written down.’”

Movieguide® reported on why Kennedy resigned from the school:

“We have come to learn of serious allegations of retaliation against coach [Joseph] Kennedy by the Bremerton School District,” Hiram Sasser, executive general counsel at First Liberty Institute, said in a statement. “They’ve done everything they can to make him feel unwelcome.”

Sassed added that First Liberty Institute is “going to investigate the situation to determine whether further legal action is necessary.”

Kennedy’s enemies at the school take issue with him and the case’s majority opinion, which reads, “Kennedy prayed during a period when school employees were free to speak with a friend, call for a reservation at a restaurant, check email, or attend to other personal matters. He offered his prayers quietly while his students were otherwise occupied. Still, the Bremerton School District disciplined him anyway.”

“Nobody was really happy with me coming back and that was very apparent,” Kennedy told the Christian post. “So, I did the whole fall camp with them, and then after the first game, my wife and I started talking that, ‘Wow, we finally finished this race. What’s next?’ So, we started praying and discussing it…It seemed like the right thing to do at the right time for both of us.”


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