
Mike Rowe Announces New Season Of DIRTY JOBS

Mike Rowe Announces New Season of DIRTY JOBS

By Movieguide® Contributor

A new season of DIRTY JOBS is hitting Discovery! 

Mike Rowe announced the latest season with a fun, Christmas-themed announcement.

Rowe sang “DIRTY JOBS is back on TV every Sunday night…DIRTY JOBS is still disgusting every Sunday,” to the tune of “Deck The Halls.”

The premiere will see Rowe head to West Palm Beach, where he’ll work as a pool line fixer and clean the dirtiest pool in America. 

Over the course of the season, Rowe will work as a beaver relocator, deer urine farmer, feral cat fixer, and spice maker.

The new season of DIRTY JOBS will premiere Sunday, December 11 at 8 p.m. EST. 

Movieguide® previously reported on the DIRTY JOBS reboot:

Mike Rowe is putting on his gloves again ahead of a brand new season of the fan-favorite, DIRTY JOBS.

The Discovery series, which Rowe hosted when it first aired in 2005, highlights the messy, dangerous jobs that Americans work every day.

The show ended in 2012, but the 59-year-old thought that 2022 was a perfect time to bring DIRTY JOBS back to TV.

“Viewers reached out by the thousands to say ‘Dirty Jobs’ was the granddaddy of essential working shows, and essential work is now headline news,” Rowe told Fox News in a recent interview. “I was told, ‘Why don’t you go back into the world? Look under the rock, see what’s there. See what work looks like after two years of lockdowns.’ It was an offer I couldn’t refuse. Just when I thought I was out they pulled me back in.”

After seven years of covering various jobs, Rowe said that the reboot came with new challenges like finding new jobs.

“I ran out of ideas in Season 3. I thought we were done back in 2007. But then I did a few smart things – genuinely smart things. I turned the whole thing over to the viewers. Like look, I’ll keep doing the show as long as you keep programming it,” Rowe said. “For the last 15 years, I’ve been getting letters every day on social media and otherwise from people saying, ‘You should see what my grandfather does. Or my brother, my cousin, my uncle, my sister, my mom.’ And these are jobs that have been going on for nearly 20 years. That’s where the ideas come from. So in that sense, it’s easy.”

Rowe said that with so many Americans quitting their job, there are “11 million open positions right now.”

“I really noticed this time around, whether it was a construction job, a fishing operation, a flooring operation or really all of them – the theme that keeps coming back, again and again, is how difficult it is to find people who want to learn a skill that’s in demand,” Rowe said. “Someone who shows up early, stays late and isn’t afraid to get their hands dirty. It’s a real challenge. And that comes through this season in a big way.”

Aside from the pandemic, Rowe said that the “stigmas and stereotypes and misperceptions” are keeping people from working the ‘Dirty Jobs.’

“I’m using ‘Dirty Jobs’ in part to try and challenge some of those misperceptions,” he said. “But I do that every day with my foundation, mikeroweWORKS. It evolved out of ‘Dirty Jobs.’ And that’s what I do full time. We give a couple of million bucks a year to kids who want to learn a skill that’s in demand. So between my foundation and the headlines, ‘Dirty Jobs’ really came back at the perfect time. I think it permitted me to talk about some of these subjects.”

“It’s a love letter to hard work,” he added. “It’s a love letter to risk and entrepreneurship. Mostly it’s a nod to jobs that are still out of sight, out of mind.

“I hope people see it for what it really is, which is not a show. It’s a trip. You know, there are no second takes. There’s no scripting, no writing, no rehearsing, no acting. It’s an honest look at a hard day’s work through the eyes of an apprentice. I hope people see it for what it is and watch it to have a few laughs and maybe learn a thing or two about something they didn’t know they would care about.”

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Quality: - Content: +1