
PEPPA PIG Succumbs to Fan Demand, Features First Same-Sex Couple

Poster courtesy of MMPA

PEPPA PIG Succumbs to Fan Demand, Features First Same-Sex Couple

By Movieguide® Staff

PEPPA PIG became the most recent example of entertainment’s over-sexualization of children’s programming, as GLAAD and others laud same-sex characters in the latest episode.

The scene depicts Penny Polar Bear as having two mothers, which she describes in the show and includes a picture.

“I’m Penny Polar Bear,” Peppa’s classmate says. “I live with my mommy and my other mommy. One mommy is a doctor and one mommy cooks spaghetti. I love spaghetti.”

The show, geared towards pre-school children, initially resisted fans’ demands to include an LGBTQ+ character, a desire made known to the show’s creators in 2019.

“Children watching Peppa Pig are at an impressionable age, and excluding same-sex families will teach them that only families with either a single parent or two parents of different sexes are normal,” a petition for a same-sex couple read. “This means that children of same-sex parents may feel alienated by Peppa Pig, and that other children may be more likely to bully them, simply through ignorance. Peppa Pig is not just for entertainment, children are inevitably learning from it too.”

Since first airing in 2004, the show originally sought to teach young children “about friendship, cooperation and feelings.”

But now, creators have bowed a knee to a progressive agenda from adults to indoctrinate impressionable minds with hyper-sexualized content.

While not as explicit as other children’s shows, PEPPA PIG remains an example of culture’s subtle redefinition of sex, gender, parenting, marriage and more.

Movieguide® previously reported on a same-sex kiss in the children’s show, JURASSIC WORLD: CAMP CRETACEOUS:

Netflix’s JURASSIC WORLD: CAMP CRETACEOUS is the latest TV series geared towards children that includes sexual content.

After five seasons, the animated series culminates in a passionate kiss between two young girls.

Despite the sexualization of minors, Netflix did not include a disclaimer at the beginning of the episode. The series is rated “TV-PG” for violence but never mentions the lesbian kiss between minors.

According to the show’s IMDb description, the children are “teens.” However, Dreamworks confirmed that the two characters who share the kiss, named Yasmina “Yaz” Fadoula and Sammy Gutierrez, are 15 years old and 14 years old, respectively.

Unfortunately, Netflix has a track record of sexualizing children in its content.

Although previous abhorrent content like BIG MOUTH and HUMAN RESOURCES were animated, they contained borderline child pornography and received TV-MA ratings.

However, as JURASSIC WORLD: CAMP CRETACEOUS, Netflix’s tamest shows could contain sexual content.