
Teenagers Who Spend More Time on Social Media Have Increased Depression, Study Says

Teenagers Who Spend More Time on Social Media Have Increased Depression, Study Says

By Movieguide® Contributor

Teenagers who spend more time on social media have increased depression, according to recent studies. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a study placing suicide as the second leading cause of death amongst individuals aged 10-34.

Social media is not the direct cause but rather the correlation between the spike in depression and its use. The basic human to human interaction has been lost on many levels through social media.

Cyberbullying effects 60% of all students. This leads to one in four girls self-harming, and one in ten boys doing the same.

Bergen Facebook Scale (BFAS) is a scale developed by scientists to measure addiction in people who use Facebook. The sole purpose of the scale was to see the increase of addiction to Facebook over time. The results concluded that Social media is more addictive than cigarettes according to an additional study done by the University of Chicago.

Social media is also linked to worse posture, often including a depressed rib cage, internally rotated shoulders, rounded upper back, forward head posture, and lower back pain. As we spend on average 8 ½ hours in front of screens, the best way to combat this is to be on our phones less.

Procrastination is easily accessed through screens. The choice to complete homework or scroll through Instagram will typically be the latter.

Nomophobia, the irrational fear of being without a cellphone is rising in teenagers along with Internet Addiction Disorder. Nomophobia effects 53% of all mobile users, shown in a study done in the U.K. Only 47% of mobile users felt that they could turn their phones off without anxiety.

Not everyone who uses a cell phone is addicted. You can spend a large amount of time in front of a screen and not be addicted to the internet, have fantastic social skills, and not suffer from depression. However, the increased use of mobile phones have inevitably affected several people.

Statistics are grim, but what is crucial to know is that depression caused by social media, can be lowered with moderation. If we actively lower our time spent on our phones, then we become proactive about combating these statistics.

We need to reprioritize the things in our lives. If reaching for a cell phone comes before reaching for your Bible, then readjust your schedule to reflect your priorities. Maybe your phone has too many notifications, and you get distracted when reading your Bible on a cell phone. Take the time out of your day to consider how you spend your time and where you find your joy. God should always be the center of our joy, so cell phones should slowly become a little farther down the list.