

"Christian, Biblical and American Values Under Attack"

What You Need To Know:

BILLIONAIRE RADICAL is a 49-minute television documentary streaming on SalemNOW. Subtitled GEORGE SOROS AND THE SCHEME TO REMAKE AMERICA, it begins with a short history of George Soros. It shows how he grew from a poor family in Hungary during the World War II era to become one of the most powerful and richest financiers in the world. Multiple journalists and conservative leaders, including Christian and Jewish clergymen, reveal the truth about Soros. To promote his vision of a socialist utopia, Soros gives scores of millions of dollars to radical Democrat candidates and left-wing activist groups, including violent communist groups like Antifa.

BILLIONAIRE RADICAL methodically but powerfully builds its case against George Soros step by step. It’s an engrossing documentary that defends basic Christian, American, biblical values. Most importantly, the movie reveals how Soros uses his money to promote abortion murder, open borders, socialism, the destruction of America, and even voter fraud. Every citizen interested in protecting religious, intellectual, social, economic, and political liberty in America and around the world should see BILLIONAIRE RADICAL: GEORGE SOROS AND THE SCHEME TO REMAKE AMERICA.


(CCC, PPP, BBB, CapCapCap, M):

Dominant Worldview and Other Worldview Content/Elements:
Very strong Christian, Pro-American, moral, pro-capitalist, pro-life worldview exposing and attacking the Anti-Christian, Anti-American, anti-capitalist, immoral, atheist activities of atheist, radical, leftist, socialist billionaire George Soros who funds many radical Democrat Party candidates and many left-wing groups

Foul Language:
No foul language

No violence

No sex

No nudity

Alcohol Use:
No alcohol use

Smoking and/or Drug Use and Abuse:
No smoking or drugs; and,

Miscellaneous Immorality:
A reference to promoting the legalization of prostitution, but no salacious content.

More Detail:

BILLIONAIRE RADICAL is a 49-minute television documentary streaming on SalemNOW that exposes the Anti-American, Anti-Christian, Anti-Semitic, atheist, socialist agenda of global financier George Soros, one of the biggest donors to Democrats candidates and left-wing activist groups. Subtitled GEORGE SOROS AND THE SCHEME TO REMAKE AMERICA, BILLIONAIRE RADICAL is an engrossing, must-see documentary that defends basic Christian, American, biblical values.

The movie begins by giving a short history of George Soros. It shows how he grew from a poor family in Hungary during the World War II era to become one of the most powerful and richest financiers in the world. Multiple journalists and conservative leaders, including Christian and Jewish clergymen, reveal the truth about Soros. Not only is he a strident atheist who, paradoxically, overtly likens himself to a god, he’s also an Anti-American activist who wants to destroy America as a superpower to establish a worldwide socialist utopia. In fact, Soros has been quoted as saying, “America is the main obstacle to a just and stable world order.”

To promote his vision of a socialist utopia, Soros gives scores of millions of dollars to Democrat candidates and left-wing activist groups, including violent communist groups like Antifa. He does this by supporting radical socialist solutions to social ills, funding anti-capitalist climate policies, promoting open borders, attacking the institutions of marriage and the family, supporting radical Islamofascist groups, and supporting radical district attorneys in major American cities to undermine the authority of the police while stopping the vigorous prosecution of criminals, including violent criminals. Soros also spends a lot of money on professional protestors who travel from city to city to stir up trouble, even to the point of encouraging violence against police, violence against citizens, looting, and arson. Soros is also a major donor to the pro-abortion group Planned Parenthood, which supports the abortion genocide of black Americans. For example, from 2009 to 2014, he gave $20 million to Planned Parenthood, and in 2017, he gave them $10 million. He even supports leftist Christian groups like the World Council of Churches and Sojourners, the “social justice” group run by the lying preacher, the Rev. Jim Wallis. Finally, Soros also funds left-wing groups that promote lax voter laws, including voter fraud, such as the Brennan Center. These groups are trying to eliminate all safeguards protecting the integrity of America’s local, state and federal elections.

BILLIONAIRE RADICAL methodically but powerfully builds its case against George Soros step by step. It’s an engrossing, must-see documentary that defends basic Christian, American, biblical values. Every citizen interested in protecting religious, social, intellectual, economic, and political liberty in the United States and around the world should see BILLIONAIRE RADICAL: GEORGE SOROS AND THE SCHEME TO REMAKE AMERICA.

It should be noted that MOVIEGUIDE® says that these featured experts are starring, but as in many documentaries, they are the people presented the evidence and issues: Rabbi Daniel Lapin, David Horowitz, Robert Knight, Gary Bauer, Scott Walter, William J. Federer, and Richard Poe.

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