

"Outcasts Work Together"

What You Need To Know:

FLOW is a masterfully crafted animated animal adventure movie from Latvia with no dialogue. The story takes place in an unknown location which resembles Madagascar. Cat loses his home to a catastrophic flood and ventures out on an adventure through many perilous situations. Cat discovers the value in friendship and community with other outcasts as he navigates his survival. The mismatched band of characters continue their journey where they learn to cooperate with each other, sail a second boat, fish, use tools, and much more other despite their differences.

An amazing, mesmerizing achievement, FLOW includes some positive redemptive messages which involve the importance of community, collaboration, working together, and compassion. However, like real life, the animals must often fight for survival. The story has undertones of the story of Noah’s Ark as well as some Eastern religious references. FLOW has many perilous, life-threatening moments, along with natural disasters. The Bible tells us the true purpose of life is to love God and others. In FLOW, outcast animals from different species learn to love and work together. So, MOVIEGUIDE® advises caution for children.


(BB, C, PCPC, EE, M):

Dominant Worldview and Other Worldview Content/Elements:
Strong moral worldview with redemptive elements displays an appreciation for God’s creation and promotes kindness, compassion, animals work together in spite of their differences, two animals risk their lives to save Cat, animals develop a community, and Cat has compassion for a sick whale, and the story opens with a flood;

Foul Language:
No foul language;

Continuous natural disaster related threats and peril throughout, plus the main character almost drowns a few times;

No sex;

No nudity;

Alcohol Use:
No alcohol use;

Smoking and/or Drug Use and Abuse:
No smoking or drugs; and,

Miscellaneous Immorality:
Discrimination and prejudice but rebuked.

More Detail:

FLOW is a masterfully crafted animated animal adventure movie from Latvia with no dialogue. The story takes place in an unknown location which resembles Madagascar. Cat loses his home to a catastrophic flood and ventures out on an adventure through many perilous situations. Cat discovers the value in friendship and community with other outcasts as he navigates his survival. There are many perilous and life-threatening moments, along with natural disasters. MOVEIGUDIE® advises caution for young children.

After escaping some dogs and a deer stampede in a large forest, Cat is caught in a flood covering the land. He hops on a boat, where he’s joined one by one by a few other animals from different species facing the same circumstances over a long period of time. An overly enthusiastic Dog rescues Cat from large predatory Secretary Birds. The birds manage to corner Cat once again. This time, Cat is rescued by a large perhaps female Secretary Bird. The other birds punish Bird for defending Cat by hurting her wings.

Cat, Bird and Dog form an unlikely alliance and help each other. They are joined by Capybara and Lemur. The mismatched band of characters continue their journey where they learn to cooperate with each other, sail a second boat, fish, use tools, and much more despite their differences.

Some exciting adventure sequences follow, especially when a displaced whale surprisingly appears. Whale turns things inside out, but he also helps the others during the rest of their journey. Though there are many near-death moments, the beautifully peaceful music and calming graphics of various images of stunning nature scenes, evoke the feelings of going with the “flow.” At first, the calm and passive mood is appealing and alluring, but the animals in the story often face destructive situations.

FLOW is without a doubt an amazing artistic achievement, a silent movie in a world full of noise and confusion. The creators brilliantly used free 3D software and handheld camera-like movements with naturalistic, non-rigid style to create a feast for the eyes, accompanied by an equally pleasurable soundtrack. However, the animals must often fight for survival.

When Cat becomes agitated or fearful of other animals, the water is “scary and aggressive,” the director has told the press. Then, when the animals learn to work together, “the water becomes more tranquil and peaceful” (HOLLYWOOD REPORTER, October 13, 2024). The animals, in a sense, learn to “go with the flow.” Hence, the movie’s title.

FLOW’s story has undertones of the story of Noah’s Ark mixed with some Eastern religious references. The Bible tells us the true purpose of life is to love God and others. In FLOW, outcast animals from different species learn to love and work together.

FLOW won the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Movie.

Quality: - Content: +2
Quality: - Content: +3