

"Abhorrent, Anti-Christian and Grisly"

What You Need To Know:

IMMACULATE is a bloody horror movie about a young nun from Michigan who travels to Italy to commit herself to a large, isolated convent in the countryside. Sister Cecilia comes to My Lady of Sorrows to become a full-time nun taking care of elderly nuns who are nearing death or are terminally ill. However, when she becomes miraculously pregnant, like the Virgin May, she discovers that the abbey’s cardinal, lead priest and mother superior are involved in a distasteful and unholy plot. Sister Cecilia decides to escape, but the priest and the mother superior will do anything to stop her.

IMMACULATE has a disgusting ending that’s also extremely bloody. Eventually, Cecilia, the movie’s heroine/victim, doesn’t just try to escape. She becomes a murderer herself and, at the end, a foul-mouthed baby killer. Cecilia also seems to lose her faith. Thus, IMMACULATE has a strong Anti-Christian, humanist, politically correct worldview. In addition to grisly murders and bloody violence, it also contains several “f” words and a strong profanity. IMMACULATE is a truly abhorrent, unacceptable movie. The movie’s moral viewpoint doesn’t make much sense.


(HHH, AbAbAb, PCPCPC, FRFR, FeFe, C, B, L, VVV, S, NN, A, D, MM):

Dominant Worldview and Other Worldview Content/Elements:
Very strong Humanist, Anti-Christian, including Anti-Catholic, politically correct worldview about a young nun who loses her faith when the bishop, the lead priest and the mother superior in her new convent hide a terrible secret that makes them want to keep her in the convent against her will and leads her to become a murderer and a foul-mouthed baby killer, the villains have a warped theology about Jesus as Savior and the Catholic clergy in the movie pray to the Virgin Mary instead of to God/Jesus, and the movie seems to have a strong radical feminist viewpoint against the Catholic Church and Christianity (this content is more implicit than explicit), but there is some Christian, moral content and Christian expressions of faith (often from a Catholic perspective) in the movie, though, in the end, the heroine strongly seems to reject her previous Christian faith (her response to her evil antagonists is not a Christian one, just the opposite, it seems);

Foul Language:
Six or seven obscenities (including four “f” words), one GD profanity, and one OMG profanity;

Bloody violence include a woman’s tongue is cut off, a nun is buried alive, and she screams repeatedly, nun gruesomely breaks her ankle or leg on a steel prong of a large front gate, pregnant woman uses a bloody chicken’s carcass to make people think her baby in the womb is in danger of dying or has died, heroine uses a large crucifix to repeatedly stab the Mother Super in the head multiple times, heroine uses a wire to strangle the Cardinal to death (the wire cuts gruesomely into his neck), heroine uses a large ancient nail to stab to death an evil priest in the neck. and his blood gushes all over her, heroine takes a large stone to crush a newborn baby to death (movie does not show the stone hitting the baby’s body), a character commits suicide and falls to their death on concrete, the suicide victim’s body is turned, and their face is all bloody, a priest brands a woman’s feet with a red hot poker shaped as a cross;

A joke about a sexual device, references to a pregnancy and the way in which you can tell whether a woman has had intercourse;

Partially hidden upper female nudity during scenes where woman wears a somewhat sheer nightgown or robe;

Alcohol Use:
Brief wine drinking at a church reception and at a meal;

Smoking and/or Drug Use and Abuse:
Brief smoking by priests and nuns in several scenes but no drugs; and,

Miscellaneous Immorality:
Clergy leaders at a Catholic convent hide a terrible secret that would bring scandal to them if people knew about it, they also use deception, but so does the heroine, a nun is jealous and envious of the heroine, and the heroine is held captive against her will, but her response is to become a murderer and a baby killer, not just to defend herself.

More Detail:

IMMACULATE is a bloody horror movie about a young nun from Michigan who travels to Italy to commit herself to an isolated convent, but who loses her faith when she discovers the cardinal, the lead priest and the mother superior harbor a terrible secret that makes them want to keep her in the convent against her will. IMMACULATE misuses the warning in 2 Corinthians 11:14 that Satan sometimes appears as an angel of light, to create a murderous story where the heroine/victim herself becomes a murderer and a foul-mouthed baby killer.

The movie begins with a nun trying to escape a large convent after saying a prayer to the Virgin Mary. She’s chased by four nuns with thin red masks on their faces. She tries to get through the large front gate of the convent’s grounds, but they drag her back inside the gate. Then, they bury her alive, and the scene ends with her screams for help.

Cut to an airport in Italy. Sister Cecilia, a young nun from Michigan, is grilled by two Italian customs officials. One of the men wonders in Italian why such a beautiful young woman wants to be a nun, but Cecilia can’t understand the language yet. They let her go, however, and she meets a thin-faced priest in the airport. They get into a car, and he drives her far into the country to a large, isolated convent and abbey in the country. Could this be the same convent as the one in the opening scene? Apparently so.

Cecilia greets the Mother Superior, who orders another nun, Sister Isabelle, to show her around the convent. As Isabelle shows Cecilia around, she doesn’t seem to be happy about something. She also doesn’t seem to like Cecilia much. Isabelle explains that the convent is dedicated to ministering to elderly nuns who are terminally ill or about to die soon. She somberly warns Cecilia that their duties in helping the elderly nuns and in keeping the convent clean involves lots of hard work. Happily, Cecilia meets another nun, Sister Gwen, who’s much nicer and more friendly.

The reason for Isabelle’s hostility toward Cecilia is soon revealed. Her hostility involves a special role that the convent’s cardinal and its head priest, Father Tedeschi, have planned for Sister Cecilia. Isabelle had wanted to fulfill that role, so she’s angry and jealous of Cecilia.

Despite feeling a bit overwhelmed, Cecilia at first welcomes the new role. However, she grows to find it extremely evil and distasteful. [SPOILER] It’s all part of a plot by Father Tedeschi, the Cardinal and the Mother Superior to create a clone of the Baby Jesus using blood from the actual nail that held the Savior’s feet to the Cross. Tedeschi and his cohorts will stop at nothing to carry out their plan.

Cecilia’s attitude toward Tedeschi’s plot changes when Sister Isabelle commits suicide and when she discovers a reference to 2 Corinthians 11:14 that “Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.” Cecilia plans to run away. However, Father Tedeschi and his cohorts do everything they can to stop her. They even cut out the tongue of Sister Gwen when she tries to help Cecilia.

Eventually, Cecilia, the movie’s heroine/victim, doesn’t just try to escape. She also becomes a murderer herself and, at the end, a foul-mouthed baby killer.

Thus, IMMACULATE has a disgusting ending that’s also extremely bloody. In addition, earlier in the story, Father Tedeschi and other characters call the clone of Baby Jesus “our Savior.” This totally destroys, of course, the nature of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice for our sins, the heart of the Gospel that saves us from our sins (1 Corinthians 15 and that leads us to express our Christian faith through love (Galatians 5:6). That said, the movie depicts Father Tedeschi as a villain, so it doesn’t really adopt the Father’s warped heretical vision. IMMACULATE does, however, side with Cecilia who becomes a murderer. She isn’t really just defending herself when she deliberately kills four different characters in the movie. Only in one of these four killings is she actually defending herself. The other three are clearly deliberate, done with malice aforethought.

IMMACULATE, therefore, is a truly abhorrent, unacceptable movie. In addition to grisly murders and bloody violence, it also contains several “f” words and a strong profanity. The movie’s moral viewpoint doesn’t make much sense, or, at the very least, seems rather confused.

Quality: - Content: +1
Quality: - Content: +4