"Conveniently Abhorrent"

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What You Need To Know:
This story and its character ultimately become too convenient. For example, the movie adopts the liberal canard that Christians strongly opposed to homosexuality, like Gayle, are psychologically disturbed. Thus, it argues that they oppose homosexuality because of emotional reasons, not biblical or rational ones. The movie’s arguments are ultimately specious and abhorrent.
(PaPaPa, HoHoHo, PCPCPC, FRFRFR, CC, B, ABABAB, LLL, VV, SS, NN, A, DD, M) Ultimately very strong, slightly mixed, pagan, pro-homosexual, politically correct worldview with false and aberrant theological, biblical points that distorts the teachings of God and Jesus Christ on morality and homosexuality, but some strongly positive Christian references, including positive references to Jesus Christ, with lighter moral and biblical elements because of the aberrant teachings, but movie is a liberally aberrant one that ultimately skewers traditional Bible-believing Christians who correctly believe that homosexuality is a wicked sin that hurts people and harms society; 26 obscenities, five strong profanities and three light profanities (some of which are rebuked); one strong violent image of suicide victim unconscious in bloody bathtub water, brief hitting and angry man wrecks some objects; depicted homosexual liaison in one scene that’s fairly salacious, plus two males kiss in some other scenes; upper and rear male nudity in homosexual context in one scene; alcohol use; smoking depicted and drug use briefly depicted and mentioned; and, negative father figure, some secular psychobabble regarding people strongly opposed to homosexuality, some possible misogyny, or irrational hatred and fear toward women, especially strong ones.
More Detail:
SAVE ME is a Christian movie that takes the aberrant liberal position on homosexual behavior, that it’s not really a sin. In doing that, the movie carefully selects its target for condemnation: a Christian woman trying to help young men overcome their homosexual lusts through faith in Jesus Christ. The filmmakers try to be more even-handed than usual, by treating this character as a wounded woman who needs healing herself. In the end, however, their plot and characters become too pat. Instead of developing a moral premise that’s fully integrated into their story, their irrational homosexual ideology ultimately overwhelms their story. A similar thing happens in the infamous movie BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN, though to an even greater extent. SAVE ME is a better made movie than that one, despite its lower budget, which shows up in weaker production values.
In the story, Mark, a drug addicted young man involved in the homosexual lifestyle of promiscuous sex and drugs, finally ends up in the hospital for the second time. His brother convinces Paul to try out Genesis House, a Christian ministry that tries to cure young men of their “sexual brokenness.” The ministry is run by Ted and his wife, Gayle, who rejected her own homosexual son, who eventually committed suicide.
Mark reminds Gayle of the son she lost. She takes a maternal liking to him. Gayle fights back when it becomes clear that Mark and another man in the house, Scott, become close friends who are also clearly attracted to one another. This forces Mark and Scott to finally reject Gayle’s teaching that Christians cannot engage in homosexual behavior after finding Jesus Christ. Their rejection forces Gayle to ponder her own conflicted feelings about her dead son, even though she clearly has helped Mark overcome his drug addiction through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Despite some excellent performances and fine direction, this story and its characters ultimately become too pat, or convenient. Thus, it ends up betraying its attempt to be sensitive to both sides of a controversial issue. For example, like other productions of its kind, the movie adopts the liberal canard that Christians who are strongly opposed to homosexuality, like Gayle, are psychologically disturbed. Thus, it eventually argues that they oppose homosexuality because of emotional reasons, not biblical or rational reasons.
Three other characters also transform the movie’s premise into pure ideological propaganda, even though the movie sometimes actually seems to promote Jesus Christ.
For example, one of the men at Genesis House has a girlfriend he wants to marry, but he is so obsequious, self-righteous and effeminate that his Christian transformation is not believable. Clearly, he is emotionally disturbed, like Gayle.
Secondly, Mark rooms with another man, Lester, at Genesis House. When Lester sees Gayle come down hard on Scott for being too friendly with Mark, he tries to commit suicide because he believes, as Scott and Mark eventually do, that homosexuality is not a sin. Somehow, the movie also argues, Gayle’s continued strong condemnation of homosexuality and of Scott shatters Lester’s growing belief, in seeing Mark and Scott’s “homoerotic” friendship, that a Christian man can find personal fulfillment in a close homosexual relationship.
Of course, early Christians like Stephen, Peter and Paul in the Book of Acts also suffered intense persecution for their faith and values, but the persecution never drove them to suicide. Instead, their public proclamations of the Gospel of Jesus Christ became even stronger in the face of such persecution.
Maybe, therefore, the leaders of the homosexual movement should take a look inward at their homosexuality. Maybe they should ask themselves whether all these alleged suicides by homosexuals is a sign of their own inherent psychological turmoil and illness, because they know, in their heart of hearts, that homosexual behavior is indeed a great sinful wickedness that must be purged from their lives, and from society, through the Gospel of Jesus Christ! They should stop blaming others, therefore, for their own sinful sickness and mental problems, take responsibility for their own sinful feelings and behaviors, and daily come to the foot of the Cross whenever they feel the urge to commit homosexual sin. We all have our sins to overcome, through Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit, not to mention through Holy Communion as well as through the repentance and forgiveness that Christ offers. To quote Shakespeare, “The fault, dear Brutus, lies not in the stars but in ourselves!” Apparently, the leaders of the homosexual movement are still too self-righteously blind to know that their views of the Bible and of society’s traditional historical condemnation of homosexuality have always been wrong.
Finally, Scott’s Christian father never forgives him for being homosexual, even when Scott tries to go “straight” and even when Scott’s father is on his deathbed. Thus, like Gayle, Scott’s anti-homosexual Christian father is the one who’s still psychologically disturbed, not Scott, Mark or Lester.
Forget what the Bible actually says about homosexual lust and homosexual behavior, this movie argues. In other words, it contends that unrepentant homosexuals, and their fellow liberal theologians (who often have other non-traditional, aberrant and wacky teachings about Scripture), always know more than traditional, Bible-believing Christians and theologians. Not only that. Unrepentant homosexuals and liberal theologians are also, allegedly, kinder and more loving people!
Please. Give us a break! Now look who’s being self-righteous, intolerant, judgmental, and hypocritical!!!
As you can perhaps see, therefore, though SAVE ME may be better made, and seemingly less heavy-handed, than BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN, its pro-homosexual arguments are just as specious and abhorrent. The facts and the logic (or rationality) of the biblical, theological, philosophical, historical, and scientific arguments should win the case. Thus, the positions of the pro-homosexual movement and their critics should stand or fall on the facts and the logic of the arguments.
Biblically and historically speaking, the traditional Christian teaching has been that God overtly teaches homosexuality is a wicked sin that demands repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. The ultimate penalty for such sin, without repentance and faith, is always physical and spiritual death. Also, the civil penalty for such homosexual sin has always been physical death, or capital punishment.
Of course, in the Hebrew Scriptures under the dominion of God and God’s Mosaic Code, that civil penalty could be temporarily abrogated by repentance and faith, leading to forgiveness from God and forgiveness from the civil authorities. In the dominion of the Renewed Covenant, or New Testament, of Jesus Christ, that civil penalty comes under the heading of Threat of Excommunication, or spiritual death. Thus, without repentance and faith in Jesus Christ, the continued practice, especially public practice and public advocacy, of homosexual behavior should result in excommunication from all true Christian churches. Churches that fail to teach this are not really and fully Christian churches. Such immoral churches should be condemned and considered as unrepentant outcasts themselves. And, governmental authorities that publicly promote and support such evil practices should also be publicly condemned, shunned and disciplined.
Like adultery, incest and bestiality, homosexuality may no longer merit the death penalty in this world under the 2000-year reign of Jesus Christ. But, like those other sexual sins, it is still a wicked abomination before God. As Jesus Himself says Matthew 14:4-6, “A man shall leave his father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife; and the two shall become one flesh. So that they are no more two, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man tear asunder.”
Despite some positive references to Jesus Christ, SAVE ME contains plenty of strong foul language, a rather salacious homosexual scene and briefly depicted drug use. Since it preaches an aberrant, politically correct view of Christianity, the Bible and homosexuality that unfairly, falsely and conveniently attacks Christians who disagree with its position, the worldview is a very strong, slightly mixed pagan one with false theology and false commentary on the Bible and Jesus Christ.