


What You Need To Know:

BOMBARDIER BLOOD is a documentary about a special mountain climber named Chris Bombardier, who suffers from hemophilia, the severe bleeding disorder. Chris travels to South America, North America, Africa, Europe, Antarctica, Australia, and Asia to raise awareness for the disorder and to be the first hemophiliac to climb the highest peaks in each continent. The documentary takes viewers through the history of hemophilia and through Chris’s life, including all the obstacles and accomplishments he’s had. Hemophilia affects about one in every 10,000 births. Without infusion of blood clotting medicine called Factor, hemophilia can result in uncontrolled bleeding, joint deformity and death. 

BOMBARDIER BLOOD is a beautiful documentary about not letting obstacles get in the way of your goals, dreams and life. The movie is very entertaining, educational and uplifting. It brings awareness of a problem affecting people around the world. It also shows viewers that, with the right motivation, they can achieve things that are believed to be impossible. Chris Bombardier’s climbs have raised more than $250,000 and secured sponsorships for more than 100 children with hemophilia. BOMBARDIER BLOOD has one obscenity.


(BB, L, A):

Dominant Worldview and Other Worldview Content/Elements:
Inspiring moral worldview about raising awareness for a blood disorder and overcoming physical obstacles

Foul Language:
One “s” obscenity and no profanities

No violence

No sex

No nudity

Alcohol Use:
Light alcohol use

Smoking and/or Drug Use and Abuse:
No smoking or drugs; and,

Miscellaneous Immorality:
Nothing else objectionable.

More Detail:

BOMBARDIER BLOOD is a documentary about a man with hemophilia, the severe bleeding disorder, who travels to the seven continents to be the first hemophiliac to climb the highest peak in each continent and to raise public awareness about the affliction. BOMBARDIER BLOOD is a beautiful, well-made documentary about not letting obstacles get in the way of your goals, dreams and life. It captures not only the beauty in seven different continents, but also the beauty in the human spirit.

In the movie, Chris Bombardier travels to South America, North America, Africa, Europe, Antarctica, Australia, and Asia to climb the highest peaks in each continent. Throughout the documentary, viewers are taken through the history of hemophilia and through Chris’s life and all the obstacles and accomplishments he’s had.

Hemophilia affects approximately one in every 10,000 births. Without infusion of blood clotting medicine called Factor, Hemophilia can result in uncontrolled bleeding, joint deformity and death. There are two types of Hemophilia, Hemophilia A and Hemophilia B. Both are extremely rare, but B is rarer than the other. Chris has Hemophilia B, which means his blood clotting factor nine is missing. This is where the infusions come into place. In the early 1970s, self-infusions became available. This allows sufferers of hemophilia to inject themselves with the blood clotting medicine on their own anywhere in the world. The money Chris raises sends direct financial assistance to people in need of the infusions.

BOMBARDIER BLOOD is very entertaining, educational and uplifting. It brings awareness of a problem affecting people around the world. It also shows viewers that, with the right motivation, they can achieve things that are believed to be impossible.

Chris Bombardier’s climbs have raised more than $250,000 and secured sponsorships for more than 100 children with hemophilia. What started as a personal goal has turned into far more than that. One man’s ambitions have helped people all around the world and given people a second chance at a normal life. Caution is advised for children for one obscenity and some mountain climbing scenes.

Quality: - Content: +1
Quality: - Content: +1