

"Challengers for the Most Debauched"


What You Need To Know:

CHALLENGERS is a movie about a romantic triangle between three aspiring pro tennis players. Art and Patrick have been friends since childhood. Involved in a homosexual relationship with each other, they become obsessed with Tashi, a rising tennis star. Tashi plays mental games with the men. She also has romantic relationships with them both. The unhealthy trio gain motivation to compete in tennis from their sick triangle. Tashi marries Art, but 13 years later she’s bored with him and has a fling with Patrick.

CHALLENGERS has some interesting cinematography, including shots from underneath a glass floor where an intense tennis match plays out. However, the acting is immature and static. The main characters show absolutely no morals as they use and abuse each other. Their commonality is their obsession with themselves. Their misery is only surpassed by their depravity. CHALLENGERS has scenes where the trio make out and the two men make out. The movie also has full frontal male nudity, partial nudity and lots of obscene language, including at least 59 “f” words. MOVIEGUIDE® rates CHALLENGERS as boring, abhorrent and unacceptable.


(PaPaPa, HoHoHo, LLL, V, SSS, NNN, AA, D, MMM):

Dominant Worldview and Other Worldview Content/Elements:
Hedonistic worldview where two young men and a young woman only consider selfish motives, pleasure and winning, plus pervasive homosexual references and undertones;

Foul Language:
At least 60 “f” words, 18 other obscenities (including 10 “s” words), and four strong profanities;

Sports related injury, scars, one character slaps another character, and main character spits in a man’s face;

Several heavy kissing and non-nude sex scenes between all three characters, dialogue about two main characters sexually abusing themselves together when they were 12, and pervasive homosexual and adulterous sexual undertones;

Full male nudity in a few locker room and shower scenes, partial male and female nudity;

Alcohol Use:
Underage drinking;

Smoking and/or Drug Use and Abuse:
Main character smokes, but no drugs; and,

Miscellaneous Immorality:
Main characters are deceitful and mentally abusive, full of revenge, greed and moral relativism, plus extremely bad role models and a dysfunctional family portrayed.

More Detail:

CHALLENGERS is a disgusting story about three dysfunctional degenerates involved in a completely destructive polygamous, bisexual, adulterous relationship. Bereft of anything that resembles a good story, the movie is set against the backdrop of mid-level tennis championships.

The main characters in CHALLENGERS are so unlikable we do not root for any of them. It doesn’t even matter though, because the creators intentionally lead you to nowhere. The only thing potential viewers will want is the two plus hours of their time back. The boring and hopeless storyline is peppered with adultery, full frontal male nudity, partial nudity of men and women, and heavy make out scenes, with implied adulterous sex in a car. CHALLENGERS also has strong homosexual references and undertones, including a scene of two men kissing, along with lots of strong obscene language and gestures.

CHALLENGERS is about two tennis players, Art and Patrick, who’ve known each other since childhood. They play on a competitive doubles team. As time progresses, they play singles against each other. The two men are also involved in a homosexual relationship with each other.

On their climb to compete in the Tennis Open, they come across an aspiring tennis champion, Tashi. The two men become almost immediately obsessed with Tashi and vie for her attention. As an expert manipulator, Tashi plays mental games with the men. The games often become sexual. At one point, she leads them to make out with each other.

The two men both ask for Tashi’s phone number. She notifies them that she will give her phone number to the winner of the next match they play against each other. She claims she needs to watch some good tennis. Patrick wins the match and wins Tashi with it.

Tashi appoints herself as Patrick’s coach. He resents it, and leaves. Tashi’s imbalanced intensity leads her to an injury which permanently removes her from playing tennis.

Tashi rejects Patrick and marries Art. Flash forward 13 years. Art is a demoralized pro player caught in a losing streak. Tashi is his coach and advises him to drop back down to the mid-level tournaments in order to get his confidence back. Patrick still plays at the mid-level and has a hard time making ends meet.

Art and Patrick square off again. Tashi is getting bored with Art, who wants to retire. She offers to fornicate with Patrick if he agrees to throw the match against Art. They fornicate in a car, but Patrick never agrees to lose the match. Once again, the guys use tennis to fight over Tashi. This destructive motivation devoid of love and decency seems to fuel the despicable trio’s souls.

CHALLENGERS has some interesting cinematography, including shots from underneath a glass floor where an intense tennis match plays out. However, the acting is generally immature and static. The main characters show absolutely no morals as they use and abuse each other. Their commonality is their obsession with themselves. Their misery is only surpassed by their depravity. There are scenes where the trio make out and the two men make out. CHALLENGERS also has full frontal male nudity, partial nudity and lots of obscene language, including at least 59 “f” words. MOVIEGUIDE rates CHALLENGERS as boring, abhorrent and totally unacceptable.

Quality: - Content: -4
Quality: - Content: -4