"Faith Brings Healing"

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What You Need To Know:
HEAVEN’S DOOR is safe for the whole family with only a few minor questionable elements. The production quality could have been better. Also, the story could have been a little more cohesive. However, the acting and photography are good. Kirstin Dorn as Riley helps carry the movie. HEAVEN’S DOOR has a Christian, moral worldview promoting wisdom, stewardship and self-sacrifice. It also extols marriage, family, forgiveness, faith, and reconciliation. However, a few spiritual elements are vague or conflicting. There are some references to the dead grandfather watching over Riley from Heaven, but only one apparent reference to Jesus. One character is shown praying in a hospital chapel at an important point, though, in HEAVEN’S DOOR.
(C, BB, V, M) Christian, moral worldview as a girl finds a doorway to Heaven, receives a gift of healing and shares her healing gift and sacrifices for others, but there’s little talk of God, though one character is seen praying in a hospital chapel during a crucial scene; no foul language; antagonist is gripped off floor by his collar by a strong man who’s protecting heroine, but no punches; no sexual content but a long kiss between husband and wife; no nudity; no alcohol use; no smoking or drugs; and, dishonesty, arguing between parents and mother and child, mother tells daughter not to believe or have faith, parents separated and divorcing.
More Detail:
HEAVEN’S DOOR tells the story of one family’s struggle to stay together in the little rural town of Vineyard.
After the death of her grandfather Nate, 12-year-old Riley (Movieguide® Grace Award winner Kirstin Dorn) learns her currently separated parents are getting a divorce. Riley encounters a doorway to Heaven and is given a special gift to heal. She hides this from her parents, especially her mother Julie (Charisma Carpenter) because Julie has lost her faith and is adamant about Riley not believing in something you can’t see or explain.
However, Riley’s grandmother, Ruth (Joanna Cassidy), still believes. She hopes that her daughter, Riley’s mother, will find her faith again before it’s too late. Ruth gives Riley wisdom on the purpose and stewardship of her healing gift. Riley’s continued use of her gift has unforeseen consequences. Also starring in HEAVEN’S DOOR are actors Dean Cain as Riley’s father Leo and Tommy Duane Lister as the neighbor.
HEAVEN’S DOOR is safe for the whole family with only a few minor questionable elements. The production quality could have been better, especially in the beginning where the audio and video is noticeably out of sync. Also, the story could have been a little more cohesive. However, HEAVEN’S DOOR has some nice cinematic moments with the panoramic shots of the country and mountains in Vineyard. The acting is also fairly good, including young Kirstin Dorn in the lead.
HEAVEN’S DOOR has a strong Christian, moral worldview promoting wisdom, stewardship, and self-sacrifice. Many of the movie’s themes center on the importance of marriage and family, forgiveness, love, bitterness versus reconciliation, unbelief versus faith, and trust.
HEAVEN’S DOOR is morally uplifting, but a few spiritual aspects are either vague or conflicting. In a movie that does promote biblical Christian values, God is not mentioned out loud by any of the main characters. It isn’t until toward the end of the film when another tragedy strikes the family that the neighbor Ben tells Julie and Leo to ask the One who has the power to save. Later, Julie is seen in the hospital chapel praying. Throughout the movie, Ruth credits the dead grandfather, Nate, with watching over Riley and credits Nate with bestowing the healing gift. Riley whispers to her grandmother, unintelligible to the audience, who she saw at Heaven’s door. Lastly, the celebration of Halloween with trick-or-treating in order to show the passing of time sent a mixed message. One may ask who or what is it exactly that the family believes? God, angels, Nate? Otherwise, HEAVEN’S DOOR is a worthwhile story with a message of hope in life after death.