

"Over-the-Top Violent, Lewd Satire"

What You Need To Know:

MACHETE KILLS is a R-rated homage to cheap 1970s exploitation thrillers. In the story, the president of the United States pardons Machete and enlists him to save Washington, D.C. from a nuclear bomb threat by a Mexican madman named Mendez. When Machete goes to confront Mendez, he learns Mendez has multiple personalities, all of them evil. Mendez has wired a bomb to his own heart so that, if he dies, a missile carrying the nuke will hit Washington. Let the violent mayhem begin.

While MACHETE KILLS has plenty of objectionable content, it's so over-the-top as to be comical. The humor seems intentional, however, but that of course doesn't mean MACHETE KILLS is acceptable fare. It's filled with wall-to-wall graphic violence that, while accompanied by a comical tone, is gratuitous and offensive. In addition, MACHETE KILLS has abundant foul language and strong crude sexual humor. Finally, the worldview is very mixed. There's plenty of gratuitous pagan content combined with brief Christian references, some moral elements and mixed political content. Moviegoers will feel guilty and sick for having spent their money on the abhorrent MACHETE KILLS.


(PaPaPa, C, B, P, PC, AP, LLL, VVV, SS, A, DD, MM) Very strong mixed pagan worldview with immoral pagan content, some overt Christian elements (such as a former villain, after killing a priest, changes his evil ways and becomes a priest himself, a beauty pageant contestant says “God Bless Texas,” and an image of the Virgin Mary is shown), some moral and patriotic content about saving Washington, D.C. from being destroyed on orders of the President, but also some politically correct and Anti-American content as the President is shown lying in bed with three women, campaign ad for the President says he promoted legalizing marijuana in 42 states, and the U.S. is blamed at one point for Mexico's problems; at least 90 obscenities and profanities (including many “f” words); extreme and often bloody violence includes hero uses various knives and machetes to dismember and decapitate lots of people in ridiculously over the top fashion, many of the lopped-off heads look like mannequin heads, hero even splits a couple bodies down the middle, helicopter action sequence involves one man being pulled from the ground by his intestines being attached to the rotating copter blade and his body being basically liquefied by the blades, futuristic ray gun used to turn two people inside-out, near-constant shootouts involving machine guns and an array of bizarre gun-based weapons, female partner shot point blank in the head, at least two incidents of electrocution played for laughs, a very detailed catfight between two women beating the tar out of each other, man's heart is yanked out of his body and then kept alive in an artificial case, a woman tells a story from her childhood about the time she chewed off her abusive dad's testicles, a man is frozen to death, prostitution madam has a machine-gun bra and another gun that flips up like an erect penis from the crotch area of her racy outfit, etc.; strong sexual content includes implied fornication when a beauty queen offers herself sexually to Machete but the scene turns into a ludicrous red and blue blur in which words flash on the screen telling the audience to put their 3D glasses on but there are no 3D glasses for the movie, prostitute madam in brothel briefly discusses graphically in comical terms what she expects her hookers to do, madam later whips a man while talking about her father's sexual abuse of her, hitman wears a female disguise at one point, and some other allusions to sadomasochism allusions in prostitute outfits; rear female nudity when it's revealed woman's pants have no covering on her bottom, upper male nudity in one scene, and women in very skimpy outfits with plenty of female cleavage showing, so the outfits are highly sexualized; alcohol use; smoking and a reference to President making marijuana legal in 48 states; and, racism, racial slurs, cruelty, villain has multiple personalities, betrayal, treason, tattoos, and someone jokes that even Jesus couldn't break through a US-Mexico border wall.

More Detail:

MACHETE KILLS is an utterly R-rated homage to cheap 1970s action movies, where an illegal Mexican with superior killing skills helps the US government take down both a Mexican drug cartel and a madman with ambitions to unleash a nuclear bomb on Washington, D.C. MACHETE KILLS has a very strong pagan worldview with extreme violence and sexual content, where literally anything goes en route to saving the day.

As the movie opens, Machete (Daniel Trejo) and his female FBI agent partner (Jessica Alba) are engaged in a major gunfight with a Mexican drug cartel. When his partner is killed, he’s framed for her death. He’s about to be hung for his alleged crime when the US president (Charlie Sheen) orders him pardoned and brought to the White House.

There, Machete is enlisted to save Washington, D.C. from a nuclear bomb threat from a Mexican madman named Mendez (Damien Bechir). When Machete goes to confront Mendez, he learns Mendez has multiple personalities, all evil and all disguised. Mendez has also wired a bomb to his own heart so that, if he dies, a missile carrying the bomb will hit Washington. One of Mendez’s personalities is also paying $10 million to have himself killed by hitmen. The hitmen are also pursuing Machete for a $10 million bounty Mendez has placed on Machete’s head. Everything piles up into a ridiculous and at times nearly incomprehensible array of battles, leading to a cliffhanger with Machete killing people in space for a third Machete movie.

While MACHETE KILLS has plenty of objectionable content, it’s so over-the-top as to be comical, but that of course doesn’t mean MACHETE KILLS is acceptable fare. It’s filled with wall-to-wall graphic violence that, while accompanied by a comical tone, is gratuitous and offensive. In addition, MACHETE KILLS has abundant foul language and strong crude sexual humor.

Finally, the worldview is very mixed, with plenty of gratuitous, pagan content combined with brief Christian references, some moral elements, and mixed political content, including some patriotic and brief Anti-American, politically correct content.

MACHETE KILLS has excesses that are tasteless, crude, offensive, and extreme. Therefore, MACHETE KILLS is abhorrent. Though it may fit the definition of a guilty pleasure, moviegoers will feel guilty and sick for having spent their money on MACHETE KILLS.

Quality: - Content: +4
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Quality: - Content: +4