"A Thriller with a Heart of Red, White and Blue"
None | Light | Moderate | Heavy | |
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What You Need To Know:
OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN is an exciting, action-packed thriller with a red, white and blue heart. The story moves fast enough to keep it interesting and intriguing. Though the bad guy is clichéd and the special effects aren’t along the levels of a movie like THE AVENGERS, the movie is very enjoyable. There are strong Biblical themes of sacrifice, honor, integrity, and loyalty with multiple Christian elements. One character quotes “The wages of sin is death,” and “God Bless America” is emphasized many times. There is also a strong patriotic message of standing for the principles that built America: principles like liberty and justice. Sadly, the movie is marred by plenty of strong foul language and graphic battle violence. OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN is only appropriate for mature audiences.
(BBB, CC, PPP, LLL, VVV, D, M) Strong moral, biblical worldview with strong Christian content and very strong patriotic content including themes of sacrifice, honor, integrity and loyalty, someone quotes the New Testament passage “the wages of sin is death” and “God Bless America” is emphasized quite a bit, one character mentions that she’s ready to meet her maker, strong patriotic message of standing for principles on which our country was built on, principles like freedom and justice; 60 obscenities (including at least 40 “f” words) and 13 profanities (some of which are strong); strong battle violence, civilians are shot up on the street, multiple people are shot point blank in the head, stabbings in the knee, throat and head, necks and arms are broken, sometime blood is squirts from wounds, we see injured people with missing limbs in a hospital, woman is beat to a pulp; no sex, light kissing; upper male nudity; no drinking; light smoking; and, evil but rebuked by integrity, honor, loyalty, and sacrifice.
More Detail:
In OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN, we are introduced to the President of the United States Benjamin Asher (Aaron Eckhart) as he and his family enjoy some time with each other at their cabin in the snowy mountains. Head of the secret service Mike Banning (Gerard Butler) is in charge of keeping the President and his family safe, but he’s developed a relationship with the family itself. Especially with the President himself and his young son.
One snowy night, the family heads out to a fundraiser. While driving through the woods, a giant branch falls down and pushes the Presidents vehicle to the edge of a bridge. Banning and his men rush to the vehicle and save the President just in time, but they are unable to save his wife before the vehicle falls off the bridge.
Over a year later, Banning has been demoted to a desk job in D.C. Still haunted by the events of the accident and the difficult choice he had to make, Banning ties to keep going. President Asher and his son Conner try to make the best of their situation. The Prime Minister of South Korea comes to America to meet with President Asher.
Tragedy strikes when out of nowhere a foreign fighter plane attacks the streets of D.C. and the White House itself. Then, armed men with military grade weaponry invade the White House. An all out war breaks out.
The President and the Prime Minister are rushed to an underground bunker for safety while the battle plays out. Suddenly, however, the Prime Minister’s secret service turns and attacks within the bunker, killing all the guards and taking the President hostage. The terrorists take control of the White House and their disaster plan is set into place.
With the President now a hostage, it seems the fate of the country is in their hands. Banning is the last agent alive left in the White House, and it’s up to him to save the President.
OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN is an exciting action packed thriller with a red, white and blue heart. The acting is adequate and the story moves fast enough to keep it interesting and intriguing. Though the bad guy is clichéd and the special effects aren’t along the levels of a movie like THE AVENGERS, the movie is still very enjoyable.
OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN has strong moral, biblical themes of sacrifice, honor, integrity, and loyalty with multiple Christian elements. One character quotes “The wages of sin is death,” and “God Bless America” is emphasized many times. There is also a strong patriotic message of standing for the principles that built America, principles like liberty and justice. Sadly, the movie is marred by lots of strong foul language and graphic battle violence. OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN is only appropriate for mature audiences.