

What You Need To Know:

PASSION is about an evil female advertising executive who steals the credit from a female underling for a successful ad campaign, followed by the underling’s revenge. The story follows Isabelle, a rising advertising executive who devises a YouTube campaign that’s supposedly brilliant yet is never shown to the movie audience. Her boss, Christine, is a scheming ladder-climber who steals the credit for the campaign and commits other backstabbing offenses against Isabelle and other employees. As Isabelle engages in an affair with the same male employee as her boss Christine, she starts to become outraged, desperately desiring revenge.

PASSION comes from Brian DePalma, who was once considered a suspense-film master who paid impressive tribute to the stylistic moves of Alfred Hitchcock. However, those days are long gone. So, PASSION features ridiculously off-kilter performances, no real tension at any point, a horrible music score that further distracts and deflates from the storyline, and character behavior defying all human logic. PASSION also contains a strong pagan worldview, a pervasive homosexual tone, lewd content, and plenty of foul language. It’s both abhorrent and pathetic.


(PaPaPa, HoHoHo, LLL, VV, SS, NN, AA, DD, MMM) Very strong pagan worldview with pervasive homosexual content and undertones; at least 35 obscenities (including many “f” words) and profanities; brief very strong graphic throat slashing with blood spraying out, a couple pushing and shoving matches between women, and murder though at some points it appears the murder happened only in a dream, and the movie never really makes it clear if it was real or not, plus female boss ripping open her own shirt under a security camera while lesbian is in the room to make it look like the lesbian assaulted her; strong sexual content includes a bizarre scene in which a woman is moaning with pleasure, but it’s hard to tell what’s happening, other than she’s blindfolded and her male lover is wearing a female mask while doing something kinky to her until she uses obscenities against him to make him stop, another sex scene with a different woman features her making a sex tape in which her naked breasts are briefly visible, sodomy, one woman discovers another’s kinky sex toys and actually picks them up and analyzes them rather than having the common sense to worry about germs, and three main female characters kiss each other or make sexual advances out of nowhere even though two of them are clearly depicted having secret affairs with the same man (unknown to each other), and lesbian is about to blackmail one of the confused women into having sex with her, but nothing is shown beyond the kiss and the first blouse button being unbuttoned; alcohol use and drunkenness; no smoking but drugs are put into a couple of people’s drinks to disorient them and provide cover for the ostensible murder, and, spying on people, deliberately humiliating other people, blackmail, lying to police, man framed for murder, and person falsely accused of committing sexual harassment.

More Detail:

PASSION is an utterly pathetic waste of time about an evil advertising executive who steals the credit from an underling for a successful ad campaign, followed by the underling’s revenge. It’s a failed thriller with a strong pagan worldview, a pervasive homosexual tone, lewd content, and plenty of foul language.

The movie comes from Brian DePalma, who was once, much earlier in his career, considered a suspense-film master who paid impressive tribute to the stylistic moves of Alfred Hitchcock. However, those days are apparently long gone, as PASSION features ridiculously off-kilter performances, no real tension at any point in the plot, a horrible music score that further distracts and deflates from the storyline, and character behavior defying all human logic.

The story follows Isabelle (Noomi Rapace), a rising advertising executive who devises a campaign that’s supposedly brilliant yet is never shown to the movie audience despite the fact that characters ridiculously claim the ad drew 10 million YouTube viewers in 24 hours. Her boss, Christine (Rachel McAdams), is a scheming ladder-climber who steals the credit for the campaign and commits other backstabbing offenses against Isabelle and other employees.

As Isabelle engages in an affair with the same male employee as her boss Christine, she starts to become outraged and desperately desiring revenge. Especially after she notices the other pair helped each other commit massive fraud against the company. Thus begins a ridiculous escalation of deceit and trickery, with each of the two women at various points claiming to have romantic love for each other and initiating passionate kisses with the other, despite the fact they actually hate each other. Each time, the woman who starts the kisses is the one who breaks away, defying any logic about why she made such a sexual advance in the first place.

Ultimately, murder and cover-ups are involved, but every moment of this laughably bad movie is so incompetently staged that not a second of it generates any tension or concern about the outcome. Every character in this movie is duplicitous and sleazy, leaving no one to root for in PASSION.

One has to wonder what a major actress like Rachel McAdams and a rising international actress like Noomi Rapace are doing in a cheap, abhorrent movie like PASSION. They should fire their agents, and DePalma should be forced into retirement.

Quality: - Content: +1
Quality: - Content: +3