

What You Need To Know:

RECONCILIATION is the story of Grant who must encounter his dying father, a man he disowned over 20 years before. Grant’s father “came out” when Grant was 10 and chose a homosexual lifestyle, something for which Grant could not forgive him. Grant had changed his last name and told everyone his father was dead. Grant gets a phone call that his father is terminally ill at a hospice and is asking for him. Encouraged by his wife to go, Grant must face his father and go down a long road of reconciliation.

RECONCILIATION takes a number of twists and turns. The father, played by Jack Maxwell, gives an amazing performance of a man living with regret. As a Christian, Grant must come to understand God’s love for everyone, even when they sin and hurt themselves and others. The filmmakers never condone homosexuality and speak often about the Bible calling it a sin. However, they have walked a fine line of building a story of healed relationship in the context of a divisive issue. The hospice chaplain is someone who encountered Jesus and came out of a homosexual lifestyle.


(CCC, BBB, HoHo, V, S, N, AA, M) Very strong Christian, biblical worldview centered on forgiveness, reconciliation and God’s love, homosexuality is discussed with a main character being homosexual; no foul language; man hits another man; discussion of homosexuality throughout; upper male nudity; minor drinking of beer, supporting negative character is drunk; no smoking, no smoking or illegal drugs; and, bitterness and unforgiveness but rebuked.

More Detail:

RECONCILIATION is the story of Grant who must encounter his dying father, a man he disowned over 20 years before. The news that Grant is himself going to be a father triggers strong, secret emotions from childhood.

Grant’s father “came out” when Grant was 10 years old and chose a homosexual lifestyle, something for which Grant could not forgive him. Grant had changed his last name and told everyone his father was dead.

Grant had been able to bury his relationship with his father until he gets a phone call that his father is terminally ill at a hospice and is asking for him. Encouraged by his wife to go, Grant must face his father and go down a long road of reconciliation.

RECONCILIATION takes a number of twists and turns. The father, played by Jack Maxwell, gives an amazing performance of a man living with regret. The first third of the movie is a bit slow, but once Grant and his father meet, the movie begins an emotional encounter that is moving.

As a Christian, Grant must come to understand God’s love for everyone, even when they sin and hurt themselves and others. The filmmakers never condone homosexuality and speak often of the Bible calling it a sin. However, they have walked a fine line of building a story of healed relationship in the context of a divisive issue. The hospice chaplain is someone who encountered Jesus and came out of the homosexual lifestyle. In the end, the father realizes that God does indeed love him. The movie will raise a number of questions for after movie discussion.

There are minor content issues such as the main male character without a shirt, a man hits another man, and a minor, negative character is drunk. The topic of homosexuality fills the movie, along with much discussion of God, prayer and Bible reading.