

What You Need To Know:

Oliver Stone’s new documentary, SOUTH OF THE BORDER, is a relentlessly one-sided propaganda piece that follows the emergence of the New Left Marxist dictators in South America. Stone and his film team meet with Venezuela’s Communist president Hugo Chavez, as well as other Leftist leaders from Brazil, Paraguay, Ecuador, and Argentina. Stone seems intent on undermining the United States, its foreign policy, the former Bush administration, and even the major American media outlets. Stone’s radical bias against the United States is painfully evident as he glorifies all of Chavez’s accomplishments without ever calling into question any of his policies. One author declares his hope that Hispanics will spread this Leftist ideology throughout North America.

SOUTH OF THE BORDER contains some violent content, such as news footage of riots and people being shot in the streets. It also has some foul language and brief use of narcotics as people eat coca leaves to ease their nausea from high altitudes. However, these content elements are not nearly as disturbing as the dark, abhorrent Communist worldview of Oliver Stone, Hugo Chavez, their fellow Leftists, and their “Utopian dream” for the United States.


(HHH, CoCoCo, SoSoSo, ACapACapACap, APAPAP, FRFRFR, C, L, VV, D, MMM) Very strong humanist, Communist, socialist worldview glorifies Leftist politicians in South America who seek for a government-run socialist society, very strong anti-capitalist content and hateful anti-American sentiments toward the United States and the U.S. media while blindly praising murderous tyrannical leaders such as Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro without bringing any criticisms to their respective regimes, very strong false religious elements include a mention that Liberation Theology is now a priority for the countries of South America and Leftist president quotes Scripture out of context, plus light Catholic elements when a bishop and Hugo Chavez offer prayers and cross themselves; two obscenities, one profanity; violence includes news footage of insurgents and uprising, people being shot, some graphic images of dead bodies with bullet wounds in their heads; drug use includes discussions of cocaine and eating of coca leaves to nullify effects of high atmosphere; and, relentlessly one-sided propaganda.

More Detail:

Oliver Stone’s new documentary, SOUTH OF THE BORDER, is a relentlessly one-sided propaganda piece that follows the emergence of the New Left Marxist politicians in South America and their struggle against – in their words – the “predatory capitalism of the United States.”

Well, Oliver Stone has done it again! This time, the famed – um, infamous – director heads to South America to glad-hand with the Neo-Marxists of South America. Stone and his film team meet with Venezuelan president, Hugo Chavez, as well as other Leftist leaders from Brazil, Paraguay, Ecuador, and Argentina. Stone seems intent on undermining the United States, its foreign policy, its freedoms, the former Bush administration, and even the major U.S. media outlets.

Stone’s prejudice against the United States is painfully evident as he glorifies all of Chavez’s accomplishments without ever calling into question any of his corrupt policies. Weaving together doctored and poorly edited sequences of news footage to further his premise that the “Bolivarian Republics” of South America have succeeded in their Utopian dream, Stone’s documentary comes off as nearly laughable and so has even been criticized by the far left press.

That said, perhaps the least laughable moments – indeed, the most foreboding and frightening moments of the movie – come near the end as one author declares his hope that this “Leftist propaganda might travel through Hispanics and into North America” and as the former president of Argentina says that he and Chavez need to think in terms of 10 successors down the line in order to perpetuate their dreams because Chavez’s presidency is “concrete evidence that we can change history.”

Christians and their fellow citizens around the world must rise up against this evil dictatorial tyranny before it’s too late! Communists like Hugo Chavez murdered about 150 million people in the last century alone. Castro’s henchman Che Guevara mused that he loved the smell of gunpowder and human flesh as he cruelly murdered young Cuban intellectuals and others. They must not be allowed to spread their poisonous ideology into other countries.

SOUTH OF THE BORDER contains some violent content, such as news footage of riots and people being shot in the streets as well as some mild language and brief use of narcotics as people eat coca leaves to ease their nausea from high altitudes. However, these mild content elements are not nearly as disturbing as the dark worldview of Oliver Stone, Hugo Chavez, their fellow Communists, and their “Utopian dream” for the United States.

Quality: - Content: +3
Quality: - Content: +3