"TMI – Too Much Indecency, and Information"

None | Light | Moderate | Heavy | |
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Nudity |
What You Need To Know:
The husband really wants to keep his wife happy and have a baby together. However, THE BABYMAKERS spends an inordinate amount of time on the lewd parts of the process behind artificial insemination. There’s also abundant foul language, as well as explicit nudity, brief Anti-Christian humor, and some drug content. The obscene content in THE BABYMAKERS makes it unacceptable viewing.
(PaPa, B, HoHo, AB, LLL, VV, SS, NNN, AA, DD, MM) Strong pagan worldview overall, some moral elements promoting marriage and babies though there are a couple jokes about babies that are edgy, strong homosexual content in some side areas, and a scene with some edgy anti-Christian humor about a Christian pamphlet with an image of Jesus on it and about Christians coming to one’s front door to evangelize; about 96 obscenities, 14 strong profanities, six light profanities, plus at least one obscene gesture; strong comic violence includes comic groin hits, man slips on floor a lot when he breaks a bunch of test tubes at a sperm bank, glass on door broken so thieves can enter a business at night when no one’s around, chase scene, car crash; strong sexual content and references includes briefly depicted and implied marital sex, brief talk about pre-marital sex, depicted lesbian kissing, two men who say they’re homosexual are trying to have a baby with a surrogate mother using another man’s sperm, man watches pornography at a sperm bank with two women kissing but then gets embarrassed when the movie implies the two women are about to engage in bestiality with a horse, people look at nude photos of man’s girlfriend, and many jokes about masturbation and artificial insemination; full frontal male nudity when man tries to distract two policemen trying to arrest his friend, shots of upper female nudity, and some upper male nudity; alcohol use and drunkenness; side character snorts cocaine and one or more people use marijuana; and, strong miscellaneous immorality such as stealing, breaking and entering, trying to evade police, trying to interfere with police business, baby cries at night and awakened man says “GD baby” before shutting out the noise, people gamble on which of several toddlers will get to a bottle of milk first, and some light racial jokes that may or may not offend people.
More Detail:
THE BABYMAKERS spends an inordinate amount of time on the lewd parts of the process behind artificial insemination and making babies. There’s also abundant foul language, as well as some humor in one scene focusing on a Christian religious pamphlet with an image of Jesus Christ. Thus, the movie is excessively obscene and offensive, even though it does have moments promoting marriage and the idea of having children, whether through natural means or through adoption.
In the story, a young married man and his wife, Tom and Audrey, decide to start a family. However, they clearly are having problems creating a baby. Tom is sure it’s not him, because, before they got married, Tom secretly became a sperm donor to help him buy the engagement ring.
After some crude comic shenanigans, Tom and Audrey finally get tested. The results show it’s Tom and his sperm.
Tom tries to buy back the last batch of his sperm from the clinic that bought it. However, the last batch is already committed to a male homosexual couple, and they won’t give it up. After they say no to Tom, however, one of the two guys secretly approaches him and tells him he’ll give Tom the sperm, if Tom will have sexual relations with him. Of course, Tom says no.
Tom’s best friend convinces him to steal the sperm sample. He also convinces Tom to hire a man from India, who used to be a gangster back in Mumbai, to do the dirty deed. More comical hijinks ensue.
Despite all the crude content, THE BABYMAKERS is helped immensely by the appealing performances of the two actors playing the lead married couple, Paul Schneider and Olivia Munn. The husband really wants to keep his wife happy and have a baby together. Even at one point, when the wife decides she’s fine with adopting a baby, he accedes to her wishes, even though he’s already spent a lot of time setting up the plan to rob the sperm bank. Also, the scenes with the former Indian gangster are very funny (the scenes may offend people from India, but the director’s family is from India and he actually plays the gangster in the movie – he was a member of an improv comedy group).
The problem, of course, is that the subject of artificial insemination, and the companies that provide such service, is inherently distasteful. Also, this movie milks the topic for all that it’s worth. Consequently, there are many lewd scenes and references, and abundant foul language. There’s also a scene where the husband is in the bedroom and becomes guilty, embarrassed, and distracted by a nearby religious pamphlet with a representation of Jesus. The scene occurs right after he’s politely told a couple Christian female evangelists at the front door to go away. Though he’s polite to them, the two women get very snooty because he tells them they’ve come at a bad time. Finally, there are scenes of explicit nudity, including one where another friend of the husband appears completely naked to distract two policemen trying to arrest the husband.
The obscene content in THE BABYMAKERS makes the movie unacceptable viewing, according to MOVIEGUIDE®’s objective biblical standards.