

"New Age Buddhism for the Family Audience"

What You Need To Know:

THE SHAGGY DOG opens with a genetics lab kidnapping an intelligent, "sacred" sheepdog from Tibet that’s over 300 years old. The devious Dr Kozak is using the dog’s DNA to develop a serum for long life. Meanwhile, David Douglas, the assistant D.A. played by Tim Allen, is trying an animal rights activist accused of trying to burn down the lab. David is a workaholic estranged from his wife, son and daughter, Carly, who is protesting her father’s trial of the activist. The daughter and her boyfriend sneak into the lab to get evidence to free the activist, but they run into the sheepdog, who has escaped. They bring the sheepdog home and name it Shaggy. Shaggy bites David, and the dog’s blood turns David into a sheepdog. David tries to tell his family what’s happened, but the situation just gets more complicated.

Tim Allen is an excellent comic actor. He brings a lot of funny, comical energy to most of the scenes where he appears in THE SHAGGY DOG. The movie, however, preaches an abhorrent New Age, slightly mixed pagan worldview with very strong Americanized references to Buddhist meditation and prayer.


(PaPaPa, FRFRFR, BB, L, V, S, N, M) Very strong New Age pagan, false religious worldview with very strong Americanized references to Buddhist meditation and prayer which solve a major plot problem, plus some strong pro-family messages and a moral message opposing genetic engineering of animals and humans; two light obscenities, four light profanities (mostly "My God!"), someone exclaims, "Thank God," and significant scatological, bathroom humor involving dogs; light, mostly comic violence such as man turning into dog runs into old lady and knocks her onto tree limb, man turning into dog chases cat, cattle prod and taser used on animals and people, implied car crash; and, lying, stealing, kidnapping, genetic engineering rebuked, father tells son that he will support anything that his son loves to do, father is a workaholic, but the importance of love in family is supported.

More Detail:

Tim Allen is an excellent comic actor. He brings a lot of funny, comical energy to most of the scenes where he appears in THE SHAGGY DOG. The movie, however, preaches an abhorrent New Age, slightly mixed pagan worldview with very strong Americanized references to Buddhist meditation and prayer.

Buddhism is a polytheistic religion and an ascetic philosophy originating from Hinduism in India and very popular in Asia. Its primary form contains a strong demonology and a Gnostic theology of reincarnation and enlightenment that teaches there is no One True God. Buddhism also teaches that life and reality are an illusion that must be transcended by learning how to reach nirvana, a state where suffering and desire are non-existent. Buddhism teaches that there is no eternal soul, however, and that all living entities are equal, including animals. Finally, in Buddhism, good works can lead to spiritual enlightenment (in Christianity, spiritual enlightenment leads to good works). All of these teachings are false. They are also unbiblical and antithetical to Christianity.

THE SHAGGY DOG opens with two Americans dressed like soldiers in Buddhist Tibet kidnapping an intelligent, sacred sheepdog that’s over 300 years old. Back in the U.S.A., in the Grant & Strictland laboratory, Dr Kozak and his team are using the dog’s unique DNA to develop a serum for long life.

Meanwhile, David Douglas, the assistant D.A. played by Tim Allen, is trying an animal rights activist accused of trying to burn down the lab. David is a workaholic estranged from his wife, son and daughter, Carly, who happens to be a supportive student of the animal rights activist.

The daughter and her boyfriend sneak into the laboratory building to get evidence to free the activist, but they run into the sheepdog, who has escaped. They bring the sheepdog to her home and name it Shaggy. Shaggy bites David, and the dog’s blood turns David into a sheepdog. David tries to tell his family what’s happened, but the situation just gets more complicated.

David begins to suspect that Dr. Kozak is hiding something. He tries to find out what that is and, at the same time, re-gain the respect and love of his family.

As may be expected, Tim Allen is very funny, especially when he starts turning into a dog. The rest of the movie is not so entertaining or creative, however.

The worst part is, of course, the movie’s New Age Buddhism. Although the movie doesn’t teach reincarnation, Buddhist meditation solves a major plot problem. Also, the movie shares Buddhism’s belief that animals are equal to humans. Furthermore, David tells his son during the story’s resolution that whatever the son loves to do, he, David, will support it. This is bad advice. What if his son loves to hit animals? Will David support that?

THE SHAGGY DOG contains some strong pro-family elements and opposes genetic engineering on animals and humans. These positive elements are incidental, however, to the movie’s abhorrent endorsement of Buddhism and Buddhist meditation. Buddhism is a false religion that leads people away from knowledge of their own sinful nature, the true nature of reality and the redemption that comes through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

THE SHAGGY DOG also contains a significant amount of inappropriate bathroom humor. Family audiences will not be amused.

Quality: - Content: +1
Quality: - Content: +1