

"Trouble with the Language"


What You Need To Know:

TROUBLE WITH THE CURVE stars Clint Eastwood as Gus, a wise, talented baseball scout for the Atlanta Braves. Gus is going blind, and so he gets frustrated and vulgar. His boss asks Gus’s lawyer daughter, Mickey, to go along as Gus scouts a possible first round draft pick. At the risk of her own job, Mickey takes a bus to the school where her father’s scouting. Also in town scouting the prospect is Johnny, a former player signed by Gus. Johnny and Mickey gradually develop a relationship. Both are concerned about her father’s failing eyesight and his bad emotional state.

TROUBLE WITH THE CURVE has an excellent Christian, biblical message about the value of forgiveness and the dangers of pride. Amy Adams does a superb job playing the daughter. Clint is his usual irascible, but enjoyable, self. However, an excessive amount of foul language overshadows the positive content. There’s also some drinking, smoking, and a brief, but tasteful, flashback about past child molestation. MOVIEGUIDE® advises strong caution for TROUBLE WITH THE CURVE.


(C, BB, Pa, LLL, V, S, N, AA, D, M) Light Christian, redemptive worldview with strong moral elements extolling forgiveness, family reconciliation, and humility, and warning about the dangers of pride, and husband visits wife’s gravestone, which says, “May the LORD grant you extra innings,” and a prayer is answered in a roundabout way, mitigated by foul language and other amoral/immoral elements; 32 obscenities and nine profanities, plus male urinating shown and heard from the shoulders up; light violence includes two brief fight scenes, one in a flashback that relates to the anger of a father retaliating for the attempted molestation of his daughter; no salacious sex scenes but a flashback implies a past child molestation; upper male nudity plus female goes for a swim in her underwear and T-shirt; some heavy drinking, plus some moderate drinking; cigar smoking; and, overly proud high school baseball player talks of wanting a promiscuous lifestyle after signing a professional contract and several scenes of a very dysfunctional parent/child relationship, which is redeemed as the movie progresses.

More Detail:

TROUBLE WITH THE CURVE is the story of a baseball scout and his lawyer daughter learning to appreciate each other after years of a poor relationship. The Christian, biblical message about the value of forgiveness and humility are slightly overpowered by an excess of obscenities and profanities.

Gus (Clint Eastwood), a very wise and talented scout for the Atlanta Braves, is going blind. As a result, he gets very frustrated and vulgar. His daughter, Mickey (Amy Adams), is a hard-working 33-year-old lawyer nearing the point of becoming a partner in her law firm.

Gus is three months away from the end of his contract. He’s asked to scout a high school slugger being considered by several teams as a possible first draft pick. His good friend and boss, Pete (John Goodman), asks Mickey to accompany her father on the scouting trip. At the risk of her own employer’s happiness, she takes a bus to the school where her father is scouting.

The relationship between father and daughter is greatly strained because Gus twice left Mickey for extended periods after her mother’s death. During the time she did live and travel with her father, she picked up a tremendous knowledge of baseball.

Also in town scouting the prospect is Johnny (Justin Timberlake), a former player scouted and signed by Gus. Johnny and Mickey gradually develop a relationship that builds based on a running baseball trivia battle. Both are concerned about Gus’ failing eyesight, and the emotional state this problem has caused. The prospect being scouted is an obnoxious home run hitter who can’t wait to sign a fat contract and start attracting fame, fortune, and sex.

TROUBLE WITH THE CURVE has some excellent messages about the value of forgiveness and the danger of pride, but media-wise viewers will find the foul language excessive. Amy Adams does a superb job playing a very bright, talented woman haunted by her father’s abandonment. She clearly wants the love and appreciation of a father who has a very hard time giving it. Clint plays another one of his irascible, but lovable, senior citizen roles he’s been relegated to now that he’s grown much older. Despite the foul language, he’s always a joy to watch.

It’s a shame the good qualities of TROUBLE WITH THE CURVE are diminished by the foul language. The movie could have been made without the so much vulgarity language and made a lot more money. No one will leave the theater saying, “This one could have been so good with just a few more obscenities.” Many people simply won’t come because of the language.

TROUBLE WITH THE CURVE also has some drinking, smoking, and a brief, but tastefully done flashback indicating that an incident of child molestation. MOVIEGUIDE® advises strong caution for the negative content.

Quality: - Content: -2
Quality: - Content: -2