

"Fun Lessons for All Ages"


What You Need To Know:

SNOOPY PRESENTS: WELCOME HOME, FRANKLIN is a wonderful 40-minute animated movie on Apple TV+ about a young boy named Franklin who moves to Charlie Brown’s hometown and searches for friends. Franklin’s dad is in the military, so the family often moves to different towns. Franklin navigates the situation by consulting a book his grandpa wrote to give Franklin advice. When the Soap Box Derby competition is announced, Franklin pairs up with Charlie Brown. The two boys become good friends. However, Sally, the neighborhood grouch, warns Franklin that Charlie Brown isn’t good at anything. When disaster strikes, as Sally predicted, will Franklin and Charlie Brown still be friends?

WELCOME HOME, FRANKLIN is a delightful movie with a strong moral, redemptive worldview about making friends, loving others and sacrifice. The title character, Franklin, arrives in a new town, and Charlie Brown befriends him. When they have conflict, they must learn to resolve it and say sorry. Also, the two boys sacrifice themselves for other people. SNOOPY PRESENTS: WELCOME HOME, FRANKLIN is an entertaining, funny, well-made movie that both children and parents can enjoy.


(BB, C, V, M):

Dominant Worldview and Other Worldview Content/Elements:
Strong moral worldview with redemptive elements about making friends, loving others and sacrifice, which is displayed and discussed, plus some talking about diversity but in a positive way that’s not politically correct;

Foul Language:
No foul language;

Jeopardy and Soap Box Derby carts crash, but it’s not scary;

No sex;

No nudity;

Alcohol Use:
No alcohol use;

Smoking and/or Drug Use and Abuse:
No smoking or drugs;

Miscellaneous Immorality:
A girl is mean to other people.

More Detail:

SNOOPY PRESENTS: WELCOME HOME, FRANKLIN is a wonderful 40-minute animated movie on Apple TV+ about a young boy named Franklin who moves to Charlie Brown’s hometown and searches for friends. SNOOPY PRESENTS: WELCOME HOME, FRANKLIN has a redemptive, moral worldview about sacrifice and loving each other.

Franklin’s dad is in the military, and the family often moves to different towns. Franklin doesn’t even unpack his bags when he does come into a new town, knowing he will move soon. Good thing his grandfather gave him a book he wrote in on advice and tips on how to make friends and how to adjust to a new city.

When Franklin starts walking around the new town, he accidently upsets Lucy and Pig Pen. He thinks he won’t make friends, until he goes to the beach and meets Charlie Brown. The two hit it off almost instantly.

The next day the Soap Box race is announced, and everyone starts to partner up. Franklin sees that Charlie Brown doesn’t have a partner, and they partner up to make a Soap Box. Only thing is, Sally, in her negative ways, warns Franklin that Charlie Brown isn’t good at anything.

While the two are making their Soap Box cart, Franklin tells Charlie Brown all about his family and his grandfather in the Negro baseball leagues. Charlie Brown tells Franklin about his family too. Together they become friends and learn about each other. However, when they try out their Soap Box cart, disaster strikes and them working together doesn’t seem to be working out so well.

SNOOPY PRESENTS: WELCOME HOME, FRANKLIN is an entertaining, funny and well-made movie short that both children and parents can enjoy. The movie has a good pace to it, which is nice given the current entertainment climate where many children’s program and movie content is very fast paced and makes children more hyper. Also, the movie has a great animation style that’s iconic of Charlie Brown and the Peanuts gang.

SNOOPY PRESENTS: WELCOME HOME, FRANKLIN is a wonderful movie with a strong moral, redemptive worldview about making friends, loving others and sacrifice. The title character comes into a new town, and Charlie Brown befriends him. When they have conflict, they learn to resolve it and apologize. Also, the two of them are ready to sacrifice themselves for others.

Quality: - Content: +2
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Quality: - Content: +1