

"Can Reality TV Mend a 100 Year Feud?"

What You Need To Know:

The first three episodes of Hallmark’s THE CHICKEN SISTERS highlight the impact a 100-year-old feud has on a small town. After Amabnda marries the heir to her family’s rival chicken shop, her mother disowns her. Some years later, Amanda seeks to revitalize both businesses by landing a spot on the Reality TV program show KITCHEN CLASH. The winning business receives a prize of $100,000. The relationship between both family businesses initially begins to improve because of the program. However, the program’s host sows seeds of chaos to make great TV. This reognites tensions between the two sides. 

The first three episodes of THE CHICKEN SISTERS are entertaining. Even better, they stress biblical values, including repentance and forgiveness. They also teach that even longstanding anger should be put aside for family’s sake. The epsidoes also highlight marriage and the importance of child-rearing. Small businesses are highlighted and celebrated throughout the first three epsidoes of THE CHICKEN SISTERS. The story, however, is marred by immoral behavior, including revenge, manipulation, jealousy, and gossip. There’s also some drunkenness. MOVIEGUIDE® advises caution for older children and younger teenagers.


 (BB, CapCap, C, Ho, LL, V, S, AA, MM): 

Dominant Worldview and Other Worldview Content/Elements:
  Strong moral worldview with biblical and Christian values stresses emphasizing family, repentance, forgiveness, marriage, child-rearing, and working to overcome a family feud over 100 years old, an older sister apologizes to her younger sister for always steamrolling her in life to get her way and genuinely works to get better at being a considerate team player, with strong pro-capitalist references to small business owners and their positive impact on communities, but it sometimes paints homosexuality in a positive light with a homosexual character serving as a voice of reason;

Foul Language:
  Eight “h” obscenities, four light profanities and a few vulgarities;

  A brief scene of two men fighting at the start of the first episode as the narrator explains a town’s feud;

  Multiple references to characters having extramarital sex though nothing is shown;


Alcohol Use:
  Social drinking with two instances of a character getting drunk to cope with bad news, with one of those instances heating tensions because of drunkenness, plus two underage characters buy beer with a fake ID but get caught by the police immediately, though they face no lasting punishments from their parents;

Smoking and/or Drug Use and Abuse:
  No smoking or drugs; and,

Miscellaneous Immorality:
  Frequent miscellaneous immorality including numerous lies, manipulative characters, gossip, revenge, jealousy,  and vandalism.

More Detail:

THE CHICKEN SISTERS is a drama series by Hallmark that explores a family torn apart after taking opposing sides of a 100-year town feud.

After marrying the heir of her family’s rival chicken shop, Amanda’s mother disowns her. However, tensions ease between them after years when a reality TV show comes to town to highlight the feud and award the best chicken shop $100,000. Initially, the two shops play nice, and relationships begin to mend. However, Sabrina, the show host, stirs up drama for good TV, reigniting the longstanding divide.

More than 100 years ago, two sisters had a falling out, causing them to split their famous chicken restaurant into two rival businesses. A major rift took over their small town, which grew stronger every day. Nobody knows this better than Amanda, whose family disowned her for running Mimi’s Chicken after marrying the heir to Frannie’s Chicken. Though Amanda chose her husband over this longstanding feud, lately she wonders if she made the right choice.

With the chicken shop financially struggling and her husband being more deadbeat than ever, Amanda takes matters into her own hands. She signs up Mimi’s and Frannie’s to compete on the reality TV show KITCHEN CLASH.

To Amanda’s surprise, the reality show accepts the town. This causes a whole new set of problems because Amanda work with both sides of her family and force them to play nice. Not only does she have to convince her mom, Gus (who’s extremely committed to the feud), to join the show. She also must deal with her hotshot sister, Mae, who returns to town to help. 

As shooting for the show begins, everything seems like smooth sailing, and both restaurants will benefit from the publicity, not to mention the $100,000 prize. However, Sabrina, the show’s host, stirs up drama for the sake of TV. She secretly records Amanda revealing an embarrassing secret from Mae’s past. When Mae finds out, she’s furious, reigniting the bitter rivalry between the two sides. 

Mae destroys Mimi’s sign, which Amanda had painted and was her only link to the shop. Amanda retaliates by ruining Mimi’s sweet tea, causing them to miss the lunch rush. In return, Mae buys out all the chicken from their supplier, forcing Frannie’s to buy its stock at a 30% markup. Amanda returns fire by breaking into Mimi’s at night and destroying hundreds of dollars worth of supplies.

Meanwhile, Sabrina has spurred relational tension as well. She causes problems between the mother-son owners of Frannie’s and ignites an extramarital relationship between Amanda and Mimi’s new chef. Sadly, by the end of Episode 3, tensions are at an all-time high as these tensions explode, making great TV for Sabrina. 

The first three episodes of THE CHICKEN SISTERS are entertaining. They also expose the depths hatred can ignite when hate festers within the heart. Though Amanda and her family ultimately love each other, their commitment to this longstanding family feud costs them hundreds of dollars and causes significant emotional pain. Furthermore, the show reveals the toxicity of the entertainment industry, and the lengths some people will go to for the sake of good TV.

Nevertheless, the first three epsidoes of THE CHICKEN SISTERS includes strong biblical messaging. For example, they stress repentance, forgiveness, marriage, the value of family, child rearing, and running a small business. Furthermore, the main characters realize that fame and money aren’t worth the feud’s cost of continuing to harm the ones they love. The Reality TV program in THE CHICKEN SISTERS is marred, however, by continuous immoral choices, multiple scenes of drunkenness and moderate foul language. Thus MOVIEGUIDE® advises caution for older children and young teenagers.

Quality: - Content: +2
Quality: - Content: +1