

What You Need To Know:

THE NORTHMAN, set in the early 10th Century, tells a violent tale about Vikings. Young Prince Amleth sees his father, the king of a fictitious island near Denmark, brutally murdered by his uncle, who kidnaps Amleth’s mother. Fleeing the kingdom, Amleth vows revenge. Two decades later, he’s a muscular warrior living among a Viking tribe raiding Slavic villages somewhere in the Baltic states. Amleth hears his uncle has lost his father’s kingdom and fled to Iceland, where he runs a large farm. Amleth sneaks aboard a ship taking Christian slaves to his uncle’s farm to exact his revenge.

THE NORTHMAN is an extremely violent movie with a depressing, bittersweet ending and explicit lewd content. Also, the filmmakers decided to treat the movie’s Viking visions as if they were real. For example, the protagonist actually sees visions of the entrance to Valhalla, the Viking heaven. However, two major parts of his pagan visions and prophetic visions of revenge turn out to be false. Also, the Christian slaves in THE NORTHMAN are positive characters, and both they and the protagonist support freedom from slavery.



Dominant Worldview and Other Worldview Content/Elements:
A very strong Norse, Viking, pagan worldview is filled with revenge and vengeance where the protagonist (whose father was murdered by his uncle so the uncle could take the father’s kingdom and wife) has visions of a Valkyrie riding on a white horse and visions of the entrance to Valhalla and gets visions of the future and receives prophetic visions from a Norse, pagan shaman that lead to his campaign for vengeance and justice, but one of the prophetic visions turns out to be false, but the movie also shows Christians who are made slaves by the Rus Vikings from Ukraine, Russia and Belarus and sold to a Viking chieftain in Iceland (the Christians in the movie are rather positive, and the Viking protagonist falls in love with one of them, although neither she nor her fellow Christians try to convert him, though they clearly support him in trying to overcome and even kill the Viking chieftain and so become free (both the Viking protagonist and the Christian slaves support freedom from slavery)

Foul Language:
Three or four obscenities (including one or two “s” words), and man calls a woman an “unclean whore,” plus one man vomits in one scene

Extreme violence with some blood and some strong violence with some blood includes man shot with several arrows, and then he’s decapitated, Viking warriors raid a Slavic village fort and a brutal battle occurs, some women and children are rounded into a large hut and the hut is set on fire, people are stabbed and killed by swords and knives, woman attacks man, and he eventually stabs her, but her young son tries to help his mother, and the man has to stab him and kill him, images of two men who’ve been tortured include the corpse of a totally nude man, a violent rugby type game using a round stone occurs, man takes the round stone and bashes another man’s head in with it after the man had tried to kill the other man’s half-brother, villain starts killing slaves to get some information from them, at least two images of disemboweled men during violent battles, a matricide occurs, two men fight to the death, another man is beheaded, etc.

Strong and light sexual content includes one brief scene of depicted fornication between protagonist and woman he loves, drunken revelry in one scene shows men and women naked in the woods, and one man on top of one woman in the woods, woman offers herself to her adult son and kisses him on the mouth, but he’s disgusted, married man wants to fornicate with one of his slave women, but she bares her body and shows she’s having her period, and court jester makes lewd innuendoes about a Viking queen

Full frontal female nudity when woman shows a would-be rapist that she’s having her period, full frontal male nudity of a dead man who’s been tortured to death, images of upper male nudity during battle, during a visit to a Viking shaman and during work on a farm and in a village, one image of rear female nudity, and at least two images of rear male nudity

Alcohol Use:
Alcohol use and drunkenness includes drunken revelry in one scene and some Viking warriors use alcohol to build themselves into a violent frenzy before two battles

Smoking and/or Drug Use and Abuse:
No smoking, but people appear to eat hallucinogenic mushrooms in one or two scenes; and,

Miscellaneous Immorality:
The protagonist is vengeance minded throughout the movie, but his vengeance has unforeseen consequences at the end, protagonist has images of the Norse Tree of Death from which his ancestors hang, and Viking male imagines he has a bear and a wolf spirit inside him during one ritual as a boy and during a scene of preparing for battle as a man.

More Detail:

THE NORTHMAN, set in the early 10th Century, tells the violent tale of a Viking man who seeks vengeance against his uncle who killed his father and took his mother as his wife, but the plan doesn’t go quite as his prophetic pagan visions of the future foretold. Based loosely on a Viking legend that was the source for Shakespeare’s play HAMLET, THE NORTHMAN is a very violent movie with a depressing, bittersweet ending and some explicit lewd content, and it portrays the story’s Viking pagan visions as if they were real, but two major parts of the protagonist’s pagan visions and prophetic visions of revenge turn out to be false.

At the end of the Ninth Century, young Prince Amleth is on the cusp of becoming a man when his father, who’s the king of a fictitious island near Denmark, is brutally murdered by his uncle, who kidnaps Amleth’s mother. Fleeing his island kingdom by boat, Amleth vows revenge. Two decades later, Amleth is a muscular warrior living among a Viking tribe raiding Slavic villages somewhere in or around the Baltic states.

After Amleth and his fellow warriors raid a village and kill many people, a seeress reminds Amleth of his vow to avenge his father, save his mother and kill his uncle. He learns that the Viking tribe is going to trade some of the Christian slaves it captured to a Viking farmer in Iceland. The farmer turns out to be his uncle. Amleth learns his uncle lost the island kingdom to a foreign king and had to move to Iceland, where he runs a large farm with his loyal friends from the kingdom he lost.

Amleth decides to sneak aboard the slave ship to Iceland. In Iceland, he infiltrates his uncle’s farm and finds a sacred sword that appeared in his Viking visions. With the help of Olga, an enslaved Christian woman, Amleth plots his revenge against his uncle and his uncle’s friends.

THE NORTHMAN is a very violent movie with a depressing, bittersweet ending. [POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOLLOW] For example, as Amleth is on the cusp of fulfilling his vow, he finds that things are not quite what they seem on his uncle’s farm. Also, the movie’s climax has a downbeat ending. The only saving grace is that Olga turns out to be pregnant with twins.

Also, the filmmakers behind THE NORTHMAN decided to treat the Viking visions as if they were real. For example, Amleth actually sees visions of the entrance to Valhalla and of a Valkyrie, a supernatural female warrior riding a white horse, who bears warriors to Valhalla, the Viking heaven from where Odin, the “All Father” Viking God reigns. In the end, however, one of Amleth’s supernatural visions of total victory over his evil uncle doesn’t come to pass as he and a pagan shaman he consulted predicted. As a result, one question remains after watching THE NORTHMAN. Since the supernatural prophecy of victorious revenge against the uncle turns out to be false, does this mean the filmmakers are saying that Viking paganism and desires for vengeance are also false? The ending to THE NORTHMAN doesn’t say.

Besides false religion and extreme violence, THE NORTHMAN contains explicit nudity and some sexual immorality. However, the Christian slaves in the movie are positive characters, including the woman who falls in love with the protagonist, Amleth. Also, both Amleth and the Christian slaves support freedom from slavery.

THE NORTHMAN would have been much better with a happier ending and stronger Christian content, more like the great 1958 Viking movie that Kirk Douglas, Tony Curtis, Janet Leigh, and Ernest Borgnine did, which was called, simply, THE VIKINGS.

Quality: - Content: -3
Quality: - Content: -3