
725 Churches Join Tim Tebow’s ‘Night to Shine’ Event: ‘A Worldwide Movement’

725 Churches Join Tim Tebow’s ‘Night to Shine’ Event: ‘A Worldwide Movement’

By Movieguide® Contributor

Tim Tebow’s “Night to Shine” event was hosted across 725 churches this year as the annual celebration of those living with special needs hit its 10-year anniversary.

“We believe in Jesus as our greatest example, our how, and the answer,” Tebow wrote in a lengthy post on X about the event. “He loved us enough to give everything so that we could be reconciled with Him, and as Jesus accomplished His mission to save us from sin and separation from God, He also saved us for the mission of spreading the Gospel and loving people.”

“While on Earth, not only did Jesus show His love for humanity, but more than 60% of His publicly recorded miracles were for those that were afflicted. A lot of times, the afflicted meant special needs,” Tebow continued.

“We believe it is significant that Jesus demonstrated His heart for people with disabilities in this way, and that as a society we should too,” Tebow added. “But unfortunately, people with special needs are still unseen, neglected, and often worse – thought of as insignificant, less than. 16% of [the] world lives with special needs, and worldwide, there is still a false, harmful narrative around disabilities that is even more widespread.”

To combat this stigma, which is pervasive in America as well, Tebow created “Night to Shine,” an annual event to bring honor and dignity to those living with special needs as well as share the love of Christ with them.

“Night to Shine is an unforgettable prom night experience, centered on God’s love, for people with special needs, ages 14 and older,” Tebow’s website says.

“By God’s grace, we have seen Night to Shine act as a catalyst, we’ve seen thousands of people serve with us and help turn Night to Shine into a worldwide movement to share the message that every person with special needs inherently deserves to be celebrated, that they’re loved, and that their true identity is a child of God,” Tebow said.

This year’s event was celebrated in 725 churches across 56 countries worldwide. Tebow and his wife, Demi, attended seven of the celebrations throughout the day, visiting Guatemala, Belize, Colombia, Brazil and three churches in Ohio.

“As we reflect on Friday evening, it is crazy to think that Night to Shine started as a way to celebrate the Tim Tebow Foundation[‘s] 5-year anniversary. Our team thought how cool it would be to do something to radically celebrate overlooked people before we ever even had a name,” Tebow said. “And now, it’s 10 years later and look at all that God has done through Night to Shine, more than we ever could have thought, dreamed, or imagined.”

“With 725 amazing churches across all 50 states, 56 countries, and 6 continents, so many things stand out to me, but one thing in my heart and my prayer is that Night to Shine is a time where the honored guests don’t just hear they are loved, but they get to experience God’s love.”

Movieguide® previously reported:

Tim Tebow’s annual global event, Night to Shine, takes place on Feb. 9, and the former NFL star can hardly wait.

On Jan. 31, he said on Instagram, “We are just 10 days away from the 10th anniversary of Night to Shine! It’s hard to pick 10 moments to share with y’all, but here’s a few to bring you some joy as we countdown to Feb 9.”

He shared clips from past Night to Shine events: a video of a joyful teenager getting crowned with a tiara, a boy entering a red carpet lined with people clapping for him and reels and photos of honored guests with Tebow and his wife, Demi.

“My hope and prayer for this year, as it is every year, is for every person with special needs to be celebrated, to know they’re loved, and to know their true identity as a child of God,” he said.

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