Bethel Music Members Talk New Album, Worship ‘As A Lifestyle’
By Movieguide® Contributor
Brian and Jenn Johnson, from the worship group Bethel Music, are sharing the inspirations behind their upcoming album Come Up Here.
The album, inspired by what they think will be sung in Heaven, takes its title from Revelation 4 and features 11 songs.
“When we started to do the album, Revelation 4 kept coming up,” Jenn said. “Revelation 4 says, ‘Come up here, and I will show you what’s next’ or ‘what’s to happen next.’ It really was God speaking to me in a time of 2020 with so much division and opinion being thrown around like wildfire and COVID. It was just really a lot of chaos with opinion, and hard to find facts.”
She continued, “The Lord just spoke to me so clearly, ‘I don’t want your opinion. I want my opinion.’ Many times, throughout the Bible, we see these mountaintop experiences where people go up to a mountain and they encounter God and they come back.”
Come Up Here is also the first album released by the group since the death of the Johnson family matriarch Beni Johnson.
“We’re doing good,” Brian shared. “If we didn’t believe in Heaven and believe what we’re here for, it would be obviously much worse. It’s still very tough…going over to my dad’s house, and he’s alone; it’s hard. I feel like everyone’s handling it kind of as good as they can.”
Bethel Music has released 17 worship albums up to this point.
“I feel like our group has been through so much,” Brian explained. “I think the world has been through so much, and [it’s] returning to the songs that are just vertical. Jenn sings a song ‘Holy Forever’ where the pre-chorus is: ‘All thrones and dominions, all powers and positions, your name stands above them all.’ The rightful place of who He is, whether in political climate, cultural climate, the craziness that’s going on in the world, His name stands above it all!”
Jenn added, “We really view worship as a lifestyle and not even that it’s connected to music. When you think of worship, most people think of music. But we have a saying with our group that worship is a lifestyle. It’s every part of our life. It’s how we love our spouse and our children and how we love the church and how we go about our day. It’s our attitude.”
Come Up Here is available to stream now on Spotify, Apple Music and other platforms.