
Bill Maher Slams Liberal Media: ‘I Don’t Want Politics Mixed in with My Medical Decisions’

Screenshot from Real Time with Bill Maher’s YouTUbe

Bill Maher Slams Liberal Media: ‘I Don’t Want Politics Mixed in with My Medical Decisions’

By Movieguide® Staff

Although comedian and political commentator Bill Maher is an outspoken progressive, in a recent monologue on his show REAL TIME WITH BILL MAHER, the host condemned the media and Democrats for lying to the public about COVID-19.

“New rule, don’t spin me when it comes to my health,” Maher opened during the segment. “Over the past year, the COVID pandemic has prompted the medical establishment, the media, and the government to take a scared-straight approach to getting the public to comply with their recommendations.

“Well, I’m from a different school–‘Give it to me straight, doc’–because in the long run, that always works better than, ‘You can’t handle the truth,'” Maher added.

Maher called out the media for chasing ratings through its negative coverage of the pandemic.

“If it bleeds, it leads. The more they can get you to stay inside and watch their ‘panic porn’ the higher the ratings,” Maher said. “Researchers at Dartmouth built a database recently monitoring the covered coverage of the major news outlets across the world and found that while other countries mixed the good news in with the bad, the U.S national media reported almost 90 percent bad news. Even as things were getting better, the reporting remained negative.”

Although Maher is not afraid to mock Republicans, he questioned why Democrats are not held accountable for the spread of misinformation.

“When all of our sources for medical information have an agenda to spin us, yeah you wind up with a badly misinformed population, including on the left,” Maher said. “Liberals often mock the Republican misinformation bubble, which of course is very real… we do know conservatives have some loopy ideas about COVID, like the third of Republicans who believe it couldn’t be spread by someone showing no symptoms, but what about liberals? You know, the high information, by the science people?”

Maher also cited a recent survey that showed how the media’s portrayal of the pandemic affects Democrats.

“In a recent Gallup survey, Democrats did much worse than Republicans in getting the right answer to the fundamental question ‘What are the chances that someone who gets COVID will need to be hospitalized?'” Maher said. “The answer is between 1 and 5 percent. 41 [percent] of Democrats thought it was over 50 percent. Another 28 [percent] put the chances at 20 to 49 [percent]. So almost 70 percent of Democrats are wildly off on this key question and also have a greatly exaggerated view of the danger of COVID.”

Maher added: “So if the right-wing media bubble has to own things like climate change denial, shouldn’t liberal media have to answer for, ‘How did your audience wind up believing such a bunch of crap about COVID?'”

Maher concluded, “I don’t want politics mixed in with my medical decisions.”

Maher also noted that research has started to surface that getting out of your house into the sun is the best guard against the virus.

“Sunlight is the best disinfectant and Vitamin D is the key to a robust immune system,” Maher said. “Texas lifted its COVID restrictions recently and their infection rates went down in part because of people getting outside.”

Maher also addressed in the segment the general health of Americans.

“If you lie to people, even for a very good cause, you lose their trust. I think a lot of people died because of Trump’s incompetence and I think a lot of people died because talking about obesity had become a third rail in America,” Maher said. “A stunning statistic was reported: 78 percent of those hospitalized, ventilated or dead from COVID would have been overweight. It is the key piece of the puzzle, by far the most pertinent factor but you dare not speak its name.”

Maher added: “If the media and the doctors had made a point to keep saying, ‘But there’s something you can do,’ but we’ll never know because they never did. Because the last thing you want to do is say something insensitive. We would literally rather die. Instead, we were told to lockdown. Unfortunately, the killer was already in the house, and her name was Little Debbie.”

Maher’s intellectual honesty on the subject turned the heads of those on the conservative aisle like Mike Rowe, who supported what the host said.

Warning: The monologue does contain foul language.

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