
Danny Gokey Reminds Fans What Biblical Love Looks Like

Danny Gokey Reminds Fans What Biblical Love Looks Like

By Movieguide® Contributor

As the world celebrated Valentine’s Day yesterday, Danny Gokey reminded his followers that love needs to be backed up by actions.

1 John 3:18 says right here, ‘Dear children, let us not love with words or speech, but with actions an in truth.’ Can you believe it, the Bible is saying don’t show your love with your words, show it with your actions,” Gokey said.

“You know how the Bible says that faith without works is dead? Essentially, what I got from that is love without action is fake love, is false love. God is saying back up your love with action because [love] is patient, it is kind, it does not envy, it keeps no record of word, it’s not easily angered,” he continued.

There are countless examples in the Bible of how God’s love is shown through action and how words can be manipulated when they are not backed up.

“Go back to the beginning. The Bible says that Eve was seduced by the serpent, by his cunning and crafty words,” Gokey said. “Because the actions of Satan, once he convinced her, God’s holding out something on you, He knows as a matter of fact if you eat that fruit, you’ll be more like Him.”

“[Eve] was already like Him,” he continued. “She relinquished her authority to the enemy and the enemy brought destruction. You see, the words brought deception, the action was death, destruction and, you know, the rest is history.”

This, however, does not mean that words are not important. It is important to express our love for those around us and let them know how we support and love them. Instead, words highlight our love for them, which we live out through our actions.

“Words are backed up by action, just like faith,” Gokey explained. “You can tell someone has faith if they’re actually living a life of faith; love is shown by its action not just by its words.”

He previously spoke about how God’s love helped him after the death of his first wife.

“He was with me when I lost my first wife unexpectedly. He carried me through my secret bouts of depression and my battle with OCD,” Gokey wrote in a recent Instagram post. “He helped me find love again and gave me 4 beautiful kids. He’s proven his faithfulness to me but the best part about Him is: Even though I’ve failed him 1000 times — His love has never failed me.”

On Valentine’s Day, Gokey celebrated his 12-year marriage with his second wife, Leyicet.

“12 years of celebrating Valentine’s as a married couple … ??? I love getting to do life with you, @leyicet … ??? It’s been a whirlwind from the beginning, but I wouldn’t change a thing – thanks for always being by my side, sharing adventures & fighting through the hard stuff ? I’m so glad that I’ve got you ? Happy Valentine’s Day ?,” he wrote.

Movieguide® previously reported on Gokey:

As people jump into their New Year’s resolutions, Christian artist Danny Gokey shared a reminder of what Biblical goal-setting looks like.

“This year, let’s not be goal setters, let’s be goal getters,” Gokey said. “James 1:22 lays it out, and he gives us the secret to getting results. It says, ‘But be doers of the word, not hearers only deceiving yourselves.’

“If you set goals and you don’t get goals, it means you’re not a doer, and you’re deceiving yourselves. It’s a harsh statement, but listen, the doing is the process. Anyone can set a goal, but the process is every day getting up and doing the work it takes to get to that goal. If you’re trying to lose weight, the getting that goal, it means less intake, more output, more exercise,” he continued.

“Whatever the goal is this year, don’t just set it. Go and get it,” Gokey added. “Be a doer of the word, and the doing, let me remind you, is the process part. Embrace the process every day. And if you fail today, get up tomorrow, put the same goal back in your mind and get the goal.”

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