
Former Model Focuses on Prayer in 2024 Amid Cancer Battle: ‘Trust in God’

Photo courtesy of Nicole Weider/Instagram

Former Model Focuses on Prayer in 2024 Amid Cancer Battle: ‘Trust in God’

By Movieguide® Contributor

Former Victoria’s Secret model Nicole Weider is focusing on prayer in 2024 as she battles stage four breast cancer.

Wieder was diagnosed in November 2023.

Movieguide® reported:

“It’s so interesting because when I got this stage 4 cancer diagnosis, I really started to have flashbacks of when I was young and growing up, and then why things happened a certain way, and what God had in store instead,” she wrote in an Instagram post.

Weider continued, “Obviously, you don’t know the full plan until you get to heaven but at least in my case I’m really starting to see things from God’s point of view of why things unfolded in my life the way they did.”

The former model and actress said she was glad she didn’t make it big in Hollywood the way she planned when she was younger “because if I did, I probably wouldn’t have been married for 12 years with two kids. Wouldn’t have built my whole life centered on Jesus and creating the Christian ministry Project inspired for young women. And now because of that, I have an army of people praying for me!”

She shared her plans for 2024.

“Happy New Year! I never thought going into the new year my resolution would be to fight cancer,” she wrote on Instagram, “and I know this picture isn’t a typical ‘cancer patient’ photo but I refuse to show up looking disheveled lol. (Maybe once in a while on a story. 😂) with Jesus, your prayers, my families support and my trust in God I am claiming I will be CANCER FREE in 2024! I’m believing for a miracle! Amen?”

“I am truly going to give God my weakness and He will give me strength,” she continued. “And honestly the biggest miracle happened in December when I was first diagnosed from the first oncologist triple negative, but then my 2nd oncologist did another biopsy with another pathologist and I was confirmed as having HER2 positive. I’m so thankful I got a 2nd opinion!!”

As far as New Year’s resolutions, Weider plans “to spend more time in prayer, up my journaling (I do a daily gratitude journal but it’s only one page), print out my photos and organize into family albums, and just prioritize getting healthy and spending as much quality time with the kids when I’m feeling good. This year no grand goals according to the world which is a first for me 😅. But family time is the most important!”

She concluded the post thanking those who have been praying for her.

“If you have prayed for me, left me a kind comment or shared my story with someone thank you it means a lot,” she wrote. “I feel the love and I’m so grateful for you!! Happy new year and I’m praying your 2024 is filled with great memories, lots of love and blessings!”

Weider has been following God’s plan ever since giving up her modeling career.

“I was 24 when my friend first told me about Jesus,” she told Fox News. “At first, I was a little hesitant because I was like, ‘If I give my life to God, is my life going to be boring? Will I not be allowed to have my passions anymore?’ I just started praying for God to give me guidance… And I just felt like I needed to try this. I remember saying to myself, ‘OK God, I’m listening. I’m trusting in you.’ I haven’t regretted my decision.”

She’s since founded Project Inspired “to help teenage girls avoid her experiences in the industry and turn to God instead.”

“I like to say [that] a Project Inspired life is a woman who is confident in who she is, in who God made her to be, a woman who uses her gifts to glorify God and whatever she chooses to do. In my book I talk about the different spiritual gifts because we all have we all have some and I also talk about you know praying for your enemies instead of you know trying to get back at them and becoming a light to non-believers,” she said.