How Katy Nichole’s ‘Experiences with God’ Influence Her Music
By Movieguide® Contributor
Hit Christian artist Katy Nichole recently appeared on TBN to share her songwriting process, what influences her music and how God speaks through the lyrics she creates.
“I write about experiences that I have with God, I write about what the world looks like from my point of view. And because I love God of course that’s going to reflect upon my music,” the young artist told TBN.
Nichole told Shoutout Arizona that she bases her music off of faith and personal challenges. She aims to provide comfort to those who are lost or in a low place through her music.
“So, you know, I’m writing prayers. I’m writing songs of desperation, which look a lot like Psalms, which is interesting because, as much as I believe that those songs are from my words, I believe more that God has spoken them through me because I didn’t go intentionally into the Psalms and find those. And then things actually show up from scriptures, and so it’s kind of beautiful to watch how God can actually take lyrics of mine and make it biblical,” Nichole shared on TBN.
Movieguide® reported how Nichole’s writing process can be very spontaneous:
“I get this itch sometimes, like I’ll get up in the morning and I’ll have this just itch where I need to go write a song,” Nichole [said]. “I don’t know what it is. It’s just in me.”
One of those creative “itches” led to the conception of her song, “Please.”
In March 2022, she told the Christian Beat where she gets her inspiration:
I draw inspiration from a lot of my favorite artists. I love Maverick City Music; they are just incredible, and I love how spontaneous they are. They record their videos live, which is just so raw and authentic. For me, that’s important, for my music to be raw and real And I draw inspiration from watching movies and documentaries and seeing the experiences of others as well as from my own life.
Nichole recently got to make music with one of her inspirations, Naomi Raine from Maverick City Music. Nichole’s collaborative song with Raine, “My God Can,” just released on December 29th.
Posted by Katy Nichole on Monday, January 30, 2023