
MLB Pitcher Luke Weaver Turns to Jesus in Difficult Situations

MLB Pitcher Luke Weaver Turns to Jesus in Difficult Situations

By Movieguide® Contributor 

Major League Baseball pitcher Luke Weaver joined the Jesus Calling podcast to share how his faith impacts his life. 

“There are these moments where it [feels] like I’m being challenged, but God won’t let me get to the breaking point,” Weaver shared. “He’s like, ‘Look, this is what could have happened, but I’m not allowing that to [break you]. Because I need you to be able to go through this process and to learn from it and to build from it.’”

One area in which he continually relies on God is when he faces injuries. 

Weaver said, “I’ve had a few injuries. With my elbow, they’ve diagnosed it as a flexor strain, a ligament strain. In baseball, the scary injury is the Tommy John injury, which is a ligament in your elbow that ends up tearing. And it’s about a year recovery. I just barely avoided that. And then I had a shoulder injury, they call it the subscap capsule. That’s deep down in your shoulder, there’s this little ligament that connects all the joints in there together. And I almost ruptured that. I avoided that major surgery, too.” 

“I’ve had some tough moments, but I sit there and I’m just like, How do I handle this? How do I go about this in a way that Jesus would handle it?” Weaver reflected. 

“Every time, there’s that moment of like, But it could have been worse. You know? It could have been monumentally worse. And sitting out for eight weeks as opposed to eight months or a year is a little bit different in the big scheme of things. So that’s what keeps me humble, in a sense.”

Because he has experienced God’s power in his life, Weaver found a unique way to share his faith with others—“The Bible Glove.”

“The Bible Glove has been an awesome way for me to show my faith, for me to have a platform on the mound and just around teammates and fans, all the way from coaches to the front office for the team,” he shared on the podcast. “It’s something that has always been the forefront of how I show [my faith] to the world, besides living my life in a way that is as close to Jesus as I can [be] or striving to be like that.”

Weaver concluded his time on the podcast by reflecting on the importance of a daily quiet time. 

“I try to connect to the Word and with God on a daily basis. And I’m definitely not perfect,” he shared.

“You go to work and you follow a schedule or you have a routine, like you do those things,” Weaver continued. “But part of that needs to be reading time, praying with God, or whatever that amount of time is. It is a discipline. That is something you got to be held accountable on and you’re never too busy just to set aside that intentional five minutes, 10 minutes, 15, whatever it may be, and then start to build from that and to allow that to be something that is a priority.”

Weaver recently signed with the Seattle Mariners.

Movieguide® previously reported on Weaver’s Bible Glove:

Pitcher Luke Weaver will bring his “Bible glove” to a new fanbase after the Kansas City Royals recently acquired him from the Arizona Diamondbacks.

“I want to make sure I’m using my time and energy, both verbally and nonverbally, to impact people for eternal purposes,” he wrote for Sports Spectrum’s The Increase. “I want to use my career in baseball to impact a generation with the Gospel message.”

He has done this through his Bible glove, created in partnership with specialty glove manufacturer Aria.

Sports Spectrum reports that the glove has the same artistic feel as a Bible, featuring a cross above the right finger hole and a crown of thorns on the palm.

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