
New Study Finds That Regular Church Attendance Improves Mental Health

Photo by Vince Fleming via Unsplash

New Study Finds That Regular Church Attendance Improves Mental Health

By Movieguide® Staff

As mental health becomes a growing concern in the digital age, a recent Gallup poll found that regular church attendance improves mental health.

According to the poll, 44% of people who attend church regularly described their mental health as “excellent.”

“The wellbeing of most groups mirrors the national trend, with their mental health scores worsening last year followed by little to no improvement this year,” Gallup reported. “However, Democrats’ mental health rating has been steady at a relatively low level since 2019 while frequent churchgoers’ has been steadily high.”

Conversely, of the people who do not regularly go to church, only 29% described their mental health as “excellent.”

The study also showed that the overall mental health in America has decreased over the past 21 years, with just 34% saying it is “excellent.”

Read the full Gallup poll results here.

Read More: Study: Regular Bible Reading Is the Best Way for Children to Grow, Sustain Faith

Not surprisingly, the data correlates to what God promises his children in the Bible.

Not only does God command his people to glorify his name together, but Church also allows for us to live out our lives in a Christlike manner:

Love one another (John 13:35).
Welcome one another (Romans 15:7).
Care for one another (1 Corinthians 12:25).
Agree with one another (2 Corinthians 13:11).
Bear one another’s burdens (Galatians 6:2).
Forgive one another (Ephesians 4:32).
Teach one another (Colossians 3:16).
Do good to one another (1 Thessalonians 5:15).
Confess to one another (James 5:16).
Show hospitality to one another (1 Peter 4:9).

Furthermore, regular church attendance helps strengthen a biblical worldview.

According to Movieguide®:

A biblical worldview is any worldview that implicitly or explicitly reflects and/or promotes the moral principles, values and virtues of the Bible (charity, generosity, honesty, love, compassion, justice, sexual purity, mercy, truthfulness, faithfulness, honoring one’s parents, the ubiquity of sin, etc.), that rebukes evil (such as hatred, envy, greed, lust, sexual immorality, slander, pride, jealousy, revenge, selfishness, drunkenness, cruelty), that refers to the God of the Bible or a Creator God who is personal and benevolent rather than impersonal (as in the paganism and pantheism of the Buddhists and the New Age), and/or that tells a story or a group of stories that directly come from the Bible, such as THE TEN COMMANDMENTS or THE NATIVITY STORY. A movie can broadly fit the term ethical monotheistic worldview, in which case it has a light, strong or very strong moral and/or biblical worldview.

Movieguide® publisher and founder Dr. Ted Baehr describes the importance of teaching a biblical worldview in his book, The Culture-Wise Family.

“Parents can stimulate children to ascertain, discern and reflect on the messages of the media. Through guided discussions, media literacy develops the capacity to enjoy a positive cultural experience,” Baehr says. “Applying the Word of God sets the hand of the Master on the situation and engages families in discussions which, in themselves, redeem time (cf. Eph 5:16.) Further, overcoming ungodly influences through recognition of biblical precepts magnifies the power of the Word of God. Ultimately time spent communicating biblical precepts uses God-given parental authority to lead our children in worship and spiritual growth.”

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