Nightbirde’s Family Releases Album Of Her Music: ‘Joy Can Come Through Sorrow’
By Movieguide® Contributor
Nightbirde’s fans will finally get to hear her music after the AMERICA’S GOT TALENT contestant tragically passed away after a battle with breast cancer in February 2022.
Jane Marczewski, known professionally as Nightbirde, wowed AMERICA’S GOT TALENT audiences and judges with her heartfelt performances, inspiring others living with cancer.
Her family and the Nightbirde Foundation released Nightbirde, a 10-track album of songs written and performed by the artist, to mark the one-year anniversary of her death.
All proceeds from the album will go to the Nightbirde Foundation, which she and her family set up to help other women diagnosed with breast cancer.
In addition to her music, the album includes an essay written by Nightbirde titled “Cancer Made Me Whole.” A portion of the essay reads:
“When I should have doubted God’s nearness, there was proof too tangible to be denied. He wrote me notes in your handwriting, with ink and paper. The packages came in the mail for months and didn’t stop. I was remembered. He made me dinner with your recipes, and delivered it with your knock on my door. I opened his letters with my own hands, I tasted his food with my own tongue. His gifts were left on my doorstep. God himself came near. Do not underestimate the power of small efforts of kindness.
This is what he must have meant when he said, “surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life.” Because goodness and mercy have been in my shadow, even here in this valley, following behind me like lost dogs.”
“We’re excited to share Jane’s debut album with the world. Her work has touched the hearts of many because of her honesty and joy in the midst of sorrow,” her brother Mitch Marczewski, CEO of the foundation, said in a press release about the album.
He continued, “This album doesn’t pit these emotions against one another, but rather it shows joy can come through sorrow. Jane would be so proud of this album, but more than that, she’d be proud of the work that the Nightbirde Foundation is doing to help others find hope and healing in the midst of tragedy.”
Movieguide® previously reported on the foundation:
In a new interview, the brother of Jane Marczewski, known professionally as the singer Nightbirde, shared how he and his family are keeping her legacy alive.
Marczewski rose to fame while competing on AMERICA’S GOT TALENT. She inspired viewers around the world, as she performed on the talent show while also battling cancer in her lungs, lymph nodes, ribs, liver, and spine.
She passed away in February of 2022, but her loved ones are making sure her legacy of hope lives on.
“Every time I hear that AMERICA’S GOT TALENT audition, it gets me all choked up,” her brother Mitch shared. “Her strength and her smile and all those things — I just miss her a ton.”
Marczewski was initially only given 6 months to live, but through the generous donations of others, she was able to go to a clinic where treatments extended her life by two years.
“In those two years, Jane changed the world,” Mitch marveled.
After her death, Marczewski’s family wanted to find a way to continue her legacy and help others.
“We thought, ‘There have to be other Janes out there that don’t have the same resources, that don’t have the same family, that don’t have the same blessing that Jane had received,’” her brother explained. “So we set up a 501C3 called the Nightbirde Foundation.”
The Nightbirde Foundation serves young women with breast cancer, raising money to help them get into cancer clinics that will help them get the treatment they need.
“They can live out their dreams and impact the world in the same way,” Mitch concluded.