
Priscilla Shirer Looks to Her Past to Remember God’s Faithfulness

Photo from Priscilla Shirer’s Instagram

Priscilla Shirer Looks to Her Past to Remember God’s Faithfulness

By Movieguide® Contributor

Actress Priscilla Shirer revealed how keeping track of God’s intervention in her past has helped her find faith when things get hard in the present.

“What’s been helpful for me, I didn’t even realize I was doing it, but actually writing down and keeping a track record of when you see the fingerprints of God in your life,” Shirer told TBN. “I look back now and I realize I was probably just keeping a little journal; I’m not one of those people that journals, like, every day, you know, religiously every week or anything like that.”

“But, when something happens that I see the fingerprints of God opening a door or closing a door, that, in hindsight, I realized was His best plans for me. And you look back and you begin to actually see how things that seem disconnected at the time or just seemed like it wasn’t going your way, how you’re watching God work that out,” she continued.

“Then, it helps to build your confidence when you’re going through something now, because you realize, wait a minute, if He sustained me in my twenties and my thirties and even in my teenage years, when I look back and see little things I wrote down, I go, ‘Oh my gosh, the Lord was moving even then to derail me into a particular direction.’ That track record becomes a booster for you in the current things that you’re facing in your life.”

She shared more about remembering God’s faithfulness in an excerpt from her book “God is Able.”

“Time and again, He has proven plainly to me that He is not held down by what holds us,” she wrote. “He has bowled me over with His capacity and inclination to do the unthinkable, both in my own life as well as in the lives of those who are attached to me. As surely as He’s tested me, He has also given me testimony. And it would be a grand cover-up on my part not to tell His part of the story in the same big, bold colors.”

Shirer’s journaling habit is a terrific way to remind ourselves of God’s goodness. When life is getting us down, it is easy to forget about the ways the Lord has provided in the past. Rather than place the current situation in his hands, it is all too easy to ask Him why He would allow a situation to occur.

However, if we take a step back and look at the Lord’s provision thus far in our lives, we will see that He truly works all things for our good and we can trust that even in the worst of times, He holds us in His hands.

Movieguide® previously reported on Shirer:

Priscilla Shirer, an actress and author known for her roles in WAR ROOM and OVERCOMER, appeared on PRAISE to discuss her book, “Discerning the Voice of God: How to Recognize When God Speaks.” 

“There’s the conviction, you know, the conviction of the Holy Spirit, that green light of ease and peace that says go. That yellow light of warning and uneasiness that says hold up a minute till you get clarity. And then that red light that is a straight-up no, there’s no peace, there’s confusion, there’s dissension,” Shirer shared. “That’s the Holy Spirit’s way of telling you no; don’t go there; there’s a better yes for you if you’ll just wait and be patient.” 

“Creating time, space, and opportunity to hear God is paramount for those of us who desire to sense His Spirit’s conviction, to receive His detailed guidance, and to discern His intimate leading,” Shirer wrote in her book.