
Priscilla Shirer On Importance of Prayer: ‘Most Powerful Weapon’

Priscilla Shirer On Importance of Prayer: ‘Most Powerful Weapon’

By Movieguide® Contributor

WAR ROOM star Priscilla Shirer recently spoke about the importance of prayer and how it can strengthen our understanding of God. 

“The word of God is the sword of the Spirit,” she said during an appearance on TBN’s PRAISE. “One of the things I walked away with from [WAR ROOM]…it occurred to me that, while I did value prayer, I had neglected intentionality with prayer.”

The Movieguide® Award-nominated WAR ROOM explores the power of prayer in our daily lives. A portion of the Movieguide® review reads:

WAR ROOM is spiritually and emotionally powerful. Most viewers will cheer at the end. Although it has some minor problems, such as static dialogue and extra subplots, the movie’s jeopardy truly rivets viewers to the storyline. Also, the emotional power of a family struggling with the world, the flesh, the Devil, and God’s Grace helps the movie transcend its defects. Therefore, WAR ROOM is a must-see movie for Christians. MOVIEGUIDE® hopes it will inspire every Christian who sees it to form a deeper, more active and more real prayer life.

Shirer explained that enemies would want to “devalue in your mind the potency of what I know to be the most powerful weapon you have against me…it’s the prayer that pushes back the kingdom of darkness.”

When asked about how best to incorporate prayer into daily life, Shirer’s answer was simple. 

“Practice God’s presence all day long,” she said. “That idea takes the guilt off of ‘I didn’t have my quiet time and it didn’t look like this and it didn’t fit in a comfortable little box.’ Do it however you’ve got to do it. Practice God’s presence all day long.”

Shirer also advised people to “[be] creative with how you can feed yourself on His word,” sharing that she frequently writes scripture passages on index cards that she leaves around her home. This practice allows her to reflect on God’s word throughout her daily life. 

The OVERCOMER actress explained that constant communication with God also allows us to better understand and know him. 

“That’s why we read God’s word — because we get to know His personality, we get to know the character of God, we get to see the kinds of things He says and doesn’t say,” Shirer explained. “It occurs to us when our ego is speaking or when fear is trying to get a word in…and pride and insecurity…you’ll be able to detect, ‘Well, God didn’t say that because that’s totally out of alignment with His character.’”

She concluded, “The more you know God, the more clearly you can hear Him.”

Shirer spoke further about prayer’s power in an essay for Relevant Magazine. 

“Asking of God doesn’t make us pushy, not according to the Bible,” she wrote. “Nor, of course, does it mean He’ll give us whatever we want. But when we take Him up on His invitation to ask for what we need—both the big things and the small things—one of the greatest things He gives us is the opportunity to recognize exactly where our help is coming from.”

Shirer often emphasizes the importance of creating a personal relationship with God. 

During an appearance on PRAISE, she said, “This facet of our faith is what separates our faith from every other so-called faith on the face of the earth — that our God lives. He’s alive, and he speaks to us. We have an actual relationship with him.” 

Movieguide® previously reported on Shirer:

“There’s the conviction, you know, the conviction of the Holy Spirit, that green light of ease and peace that says go. That yellow light of warning and uneasiness that says hold up a minute till you get clarity. And then that red light that is a straight-up no, there’s no peace, there’s confusion, there’s dissension,” Shirer shared. “That’s the Holy Spirit’s way of telling you no; don’t go there; there’s a better yes for you if you’ll just wait and be patient.” 

“Creating time, space, and opportunity to hear God is paramount for those of us who desire to sense His Spirit’s conviction, to receive His detailed guidance, and to discern His intimate leading,” Shirer wrote in her book.  

Matt Crouch, one of PRAISE’s hosts, asked Shirer about the importance of discerning God’s word is important. She wisely replied, “This facet of our faith is what separates our faith from every other so-called faith on the face of the earth—that our God lives. He’s alive, and he speaks to us. We have an actual relationship with him.” 

Quality: - Content: +4
Quality: - Content: +4