
Christian Rapper Angie Rose’s Faith Journey: ‘I Can Always See [God’s] Presence’

Christian Rapper Angie Rose’s Faith Journey: ‘I Can Always See [God’s] Presence’

By Movieguide® Contributor

Christian rapper Angie Rose is sharing her testimony.

“I fell in love with God before I knew what love was,” she said in a 700 CLUB video.

Rose, the daughter of pastors, also had a close relationship with her older brother. He rapped as well and introduced his sister to street life.

“I was exposed to the hood, I saw drugs, I saw alcoholism, I saw these things, but I got to fall in love with the souls of people,” she explained. 

However, after experiencing the deaths of her niece and nephew, Rose felt her faith start to waver. In high school, she turned to drugs and alcohol and rejected her relationship with God. One day, after taking drugs at a friend’s house, Rose went back home and began to play the piano and sing. 

“As I sang that song — I’ll never forget it — I felt that numbness I was feeling…it felt like a hammer came and shattered it,” Rose said. “I remember, even after I came back to Him, [I was] apologizing to Him because I’m like, ‘Man, I brought you to so many places that you didn’t want to be, but because you never leave me or forsake me, when I look back, I can always see your presence.’”

She continued, “I heard God saying, ‘Every second, every millisecond of your life, I will use for my glory.’”

Rose also shared a prayer: “‘God, use my scars to heal,’” adding, “And then I watched Him do it while they were still healing. The wounds were not even done bleeding and He was using them to heal.”

“Now I understand why Jesus kept the scars — it’s a constant reminder,” the artist said. “If I want to see the Glory of God really made manifest, then I’ve got to remember how He’s loved me out of it.”

Rose often shares her story on social media. 

In a recent Instagram post, the rapper wrote, “I remember depression killing me slowly, but now I testify Gods glory and healing power across the nations. Does it mean life is perfect, does it mean I am? No! But have I seen how perfect God is? YES! His faithfulness, his love, his favor undeserved it’s all overwhelming. I remember praying that God would use my scars to heal. I remember saying I’d show you me broken so you can see me healed! I truly thank GOD for those that this testimony has reached. It’s an honor to share truth.”


In another post, Rose shared her hopes for 2024, writing, “As I stare into the storm I see the Son. in little bursts of light making a way where there is no way. Today on this first month of the year I look back with smiles, gratitude, excitement, love, forgiveness and grace! 2024 family, let’s LIVE in JOY! Not visit! May peace that surpasses all understanding forever be yours and my love and life In Abundance be our stance!”

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