
‘Remember God’s Faithfulness’: How Jenny Marrs Fights Fear

‘Remember God’s Faithfulness’: How Jenny Marrs Fights Fear

By Movieguide® Contributor

Jenny Marrs is reminding fans to “remember God’s faithfulness” in a new Instagram post. 

The HOME TOWN star posted Deuteronomy 7:18-19:

Do not be afraid! Just remember what the Lord your God did to Pharaoh and to all the land of Egypt. Remember the great terrors the Lord your God sent against them. You saw it with your own eyes! And remember the miraculous signs and wonders, and the amazing power He used when He brought you out of Egypt.

“As the sons and daughters of the ones who left Egypt 40 years ago stand on the precipice of their inheritance (the Promised Land), Moses leaves them with his final words of wisdom in his final days on earth,” Marrs wrote.

“He instructs them not to be afraid when they step onto the battlefield. The nations they will face are more powerful than they are (so they have good reason to be anxious) yet Moses leaves no room for fear. He tells them three separate times to remember what God has done in the past and to trust in the fact that God is still with them and He will continue to fight for them,” she continued. 

She encouraged followers to “remember God’s faithfulness in our past” in times of fear. 

“When I find myself wrapped up in anxiousness, I write down His past faithfulness. For example, when I’m on an airplane and my breath is shallow and my heart is racing, I scribble in shaky writing all of the times He has been faithful in my past. I write out attributes of the character of God. I *remember* who He is,” Marrs shared.

She continued, “I’m not sure who needs to hear this but I do know the battle against fear is as alive and well today as it was for the Israelites all those years ago. The formula is still the same, friends: Do not be afraid = remember + remember + remember.”

Marrs frequently shares messages of faith and support with her Instagram followers. Another recent post saw the HGTV star share the Biblical lessons she learned while working on her family farm. 

“Moving our sheep through a gate (or in any direction we try for that matter) feels like a monumental and, most often, frustrating task,” she wrote. “Sometimes, I can be just as stubborn when God gently calls me to a new pasture. Because I only see the road ahead as new and scary and would rather stay put in my old, worn out pasture because it’s comfortable and safe.”

“If you’re facing the move to a new pasture today, take a deep breath,” Marrs continued. “Trust and take one step forward. Then the next. Embrace the call to run through the gate toward His voice with courage fueled by simple, honest trust. Trust rooted in the knowledge of His abundantly lavish love.”

One new pasture Marrs is exploring? Publishing her first book, “House+Love=Home.”

“When I was in fourth grade, I wrote a book for class titled ‘Run Away Horse,’” she said of the new project. “It went on to be entered in the young author’s conference…I declared: this is what I want to do with my life. I want to be an author. Which leads me here: in absolute awe that God opened the doors and led me on a windy, often unexpected, path to this exact moment. A moment He planted in my heart of hearts all those years ago.”

Movieguide® previously reported on Marrs:

HGTV star Jenny Marrs shared how a recent family trip to Bruges, Belgium recalled painful yet hopeful memories about their adoption process and thanked God they are “all together” now.

She wrote on Instagram, “We decided to end our ‘epic European vacation’ in Bruges. The travel day to get here was longer than I expected, and the logistics ended up being more complicated than I had planned. During our 12 hours of travel, I regretted the extra stop and considered just throwing up our hands and going home already…”

“We certainly are ‘the lucky ones.’ Here, once again. All together. We will explore the city these next few days. We will laugh and we will rest. Then, we will journey home, together,” she added. 

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