Sadie Robertson Huff, Christian Huff Talk Relationships, Authenticity and Parenting
By Movieguide® Contributor
Sadie Robertson Huff and her husband Christian gave Movieguide® a sneak peek of their new book, sharing wisdom on relationships and what they want to teach their children.
“It’s not necessarily a relationship book in the way that you think of relationship books,” Sadie explained. “It’s not romantic relationships…[It instead] leads people to a relationship with God, and I believe if you put God first – which is essentially putting love first because God is love – if you put God first, then love will flow into every relationship.”
“Ultimately, it’s a relationship book with God, it’s a relationship book with people around you and how your relationship with God influences all of those relationships in your life,” she added.
While that is the case, and the book isn’t meant only to guide people looking for a spouse, the couple does give practical, Biblical advice for romantic relationships. Christian’s advice was especially powerful for today’s society, where many things are hidden by the filters of social media.
“Something that I’m passionate about…I think someone who’s very genuine, someone who’s authentic, someone who does love the Lord more than you,” he said. “I think we’re growing up in, you know, a culture and just society where so many things are just filtered with social media. With all these different things it’s so easy to filter things and to make…something look the way that we want it to look.”
“I just think that can be dangerous,” he continued. “I think we can get in that mentality of, you know, I’m just gonna fake it and then fake it until I make it kind of thing… [but,] the bait that you catch them with is the bait that you’ll keep them with.”
“If you try to be somebody that you’re not, then you’re gonna have to keep that reputation for forever,” he added.
Being true to yourself – in the context of God’s love – is a trait Sadie also deeply values, and it is one of the main lessons the couple hopes to teach their two daughters as they grow up.
“Number one, who God is,” Sadie said, explaining the lessons they prioritize teaching their daughters. “I mean, if we get that right, if they know who God is, then I feel like we did our job. Number two, who they are. I think that that’s really important to know who you are, especially in this world and that goes a lot with the first one; if you know who God is, you’ll know who you are.”
Sadie and Christian’s relationship book, “How to Put Love First,” is now available.
Check out Movieguide®’s full interview with the Huffs below:
Movieguide® previously reported:
Sadie Robertson Huff and her husband Christian recently talked about their new book, “How to Put Love First,” sharing how putting God first allows us to love others well.
“When God is first in our life, when love is put first, then all of our relationships are so blessed,” Sadie told TBN. “By that, I mean the overflow of relationship with the Lord blesses every relationship in your life, whether that’s with your spouse, with your parents, with your family, with your friends.”
While culture has certain ideas about love, the Huffs understand that true love can only be found in God.
“Our culture has put a lot of ideas in front of us about what love is and how its supposed to look. You typically see that on display on Instagram with a picture of an insanely cute couple, on a romcom where everything is weirdly perfect…but we are talking about a much different and bigger picture of love in this book,” the introduction to the book reads.