
Will TOY STORY 5 Take Notes from LIGHTYEAR Box Office Fail?

Will TOY STORY 5 Take Notes from LIGHTYEAR Box Office Fail?

By Movieguide® Contributor

Will TOY STORY 5 keep the uplifting Christian moral story and family-friendly nature of previous movies, or will it follow the poor example of the spin-off movie LIGHTYEAR?

The movies in the TOY STORY franchise have previously been honored with Movieguide® Awards. Each of them received high praise for their strong moral messages and their family-friendly nature. They all had strongly Biblical and Christian messaging.

“TOY STORY shows that friendship and forgiveness triumphs over jealousy, envy and adversity,” Movieguide® Publisher Dr. Ted Baehr said of the first iteration.

Pixar’s Lucy Lalaverde said, “Working on TOY STORY 3 was a definitely a unique experience. We all knew we were making something special and something that would make our moms cry really hard.”

“Listen, we take great pride in the fact that we get to make family films,” said TOY STORY 4 producer Jonas Rivera. “TOY STORY 4 is really a love letter to our families. This is for our parents, this is for our wives, this is for our kids. We love you.”

Each movie in the TOY STORY franchise raked in the cash for Disney. The original TOY STORY brought in $394 million. TOY STORY 2 made $497 million, with TOY STORY 3 pulling in $1.07 billion. TOY STORY 4 also made over $1 billion. However, LIGHTYEAR lost Disney $100 million.

LIGHTYEAR lost the heart of TOY STORY. Instead of promoting positive, inspirational messages that promoted biblical and moral values, LIGHTYEAR instead chose to push an immoral agenda that threw the lessons of the original franchise out the window.

With a TOY STORY 5 on the horizon, Disney would do well to remember this lesson and focus on uplifting messages and not include anti-Christian values that attack families.

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