
Now Streaming – July 2021

Netflix - 7/1/2021

KUNG FU PANDA - 7/1/2021

+1 Moderately questionable elements. (Discernment required for young children.)
KUNG FU PANDA is a very funny, very exciting and very clean animated movie about a chubby, disheveled, but warm-hearted panda who is the only one standing in the way of an evil, treacherous snow leopard threatening his village. The movie extols personal themes and character traits espousing virtue, honor, loyalty, and sacrifice, but contains some non-specific Eastern mysticism and violence, so it requires caution for younger children.

STUART LITTLE - 7/1/2021

+2 Moderately questionable elements.
In the new family movie, STUART LITTLE, a human family in New York City adopts a little mouse named Stuart, who has trouble fitting in despite his big courageous heart. A nutty fairy tale with excellent special effects, STUART LITTLE contains pro-family and redemptive messages marred by four mild obscenities.

ZATHURA - 7/1/2021

-1 Caution advised for older children, including teenagers, and sensitive adults.
ZATHURA is a delightful, fun and creative space adventure about two bickering brothers who discover a mysterious metal board game that takes their father’s house into outer space, where they meet evil lizard aliens, a crazed robot and a mysterious astronaut. Some fantasy elements and brief foul language present a problem for this movie, but ZATHURA has a strong moral, family-friendly worldview that provides positive lessons for children.

AIR FORCE ONE - 7/1/2021

-2 Extreme caution for older teenagers and adults.
In AIR FORCE ONE, the President of the United States (Harrison Ford) must personally combat a group of Russian terrorists who hijack Air Force One. With a creative premise, riveting acting by Harrison Ford, good dialogue, and excellent cinematography, AIR FORCE ONE has superlative production values. The movie also upholds patriotism, but beware of the many killings.

THE WATER MAN - 7/1/2021

+1 Moderately questionable elements. (Discernment required for young children.)
THE WATER MAN follows a family going through hardships, but when the son finds out about a man with eternal life, he believes he can help his sick mother. THE WATER MAN has a biblical moral worldview about hope through tribulations but does have some scary scenes for very young children.

Amazon Prime - 7/1/2021

SURF'S UP - 7/1/2021

+1 Moderately questionable elements. (Discernment required for young children.)
SURF’S UP is a well-made, entertaining, animated family movie featuring a small penguin named Cody who wants to be a star surfer like his hero Big Z. MOVIEGUIDE® commends Sony for the quality of its animation and the uplifting conclusion but warns that the movie contains unnecessary bathroom humor.

THE MASK OF ZORRO - 7/1/2021

-1 Caution advised for older children, including teenagers, and sensitive adults.
THE MASK OF ZORRO includes lots of swashbuckling and a very tight plot. This handsome production features the fight for control of Mexico and California. Antonia Banderas and Anthony Hopkins put moral humanity on this old-world hero in an adaptation which features extensive swordplay and action violence as well as one grotesque scene of a man's head in a jar, but no sex, no nudity and only a few mild obscenities.

Disney+ - 7/23/2021

THE SANDLOT - 7/2/2021

+1 Moderately questionable elements. (Discernment required for young children.)
In THE SANDLOT, a young boy becomes friends with eight boys who are devoted to playing sandlot baseball and has some exciting adventures with them as they try to recover a cherished baseball from a mysterious, dangerous building that adjoins their lot. Although THE SANDLOT lags in a few places, overall, it builds suspense and intrigue, and humorously depicts the trials of growing up. The film contains some mild obscenities and, regrettably, some exclamatory profanities. In all, THE SANDLOT is wholesome family entertainment which will cause its viewers to laugh and to rejoice.

FLICKA - 7/9/2021

+1 Moderately questionable elements. (Discernment required for young children.)
FLICKA is a modernized re-telling of the children's book MY FRIEND FLICKA by Mary O'Hara. Instead of a boy and his horse, this movie version tells the story of a teenage girl, the wild Mustang horse she finds, and her conflicts with her father over the horse. Though slow in some parts, FLICKA is an entertaining, heartwarming and absorbing family movie where family bonds heal a conflict between a father and daughter, but the movie overall seems to go a little too far in making the father be a bad guy and has a Romantic view of How the West Was Won.

WE BOUGHT A ZOO - 7/16/2021

-1 Caution advised for older children, including teenagers, and sensitive adults.
WE BOUGHT A ZOO is a movie based on the true story of a reporter who buys a small zoo to start life over for his family after his wife died. WE BOUGHT A ZOO is a heartwarming, redemptive, well-made drama about a family uniting together to overcome a tragedy, but it does have some foul language and dysfunctional family moments requiring caution for pre-teen children.


+1 Moderately questionable elements. (Discernment required for young children.)
ICE AGE: THE MELTDOWN is an animated sequel about ice age animals trying to escape a great flood caused by glaciers melting. ICE AGE: THE MELTDOWN will melt your heart, tickle your funny bone, and delight your older children, but some of the humor is too crude and some of the action too scary for younger children.

Quality: - Content: +1
Quality: - Content: +1