


What You Need To Know:

GOING MY WAY is a Bing Crosby classic about a new more progressive priest coming to take over a church that is mired in debt and headed by an elderly priest stuck in his ways. Crosby, in an Academy Award winning role as Father “Chuck” O’Malley, comes to St. Dominic’s church in New York City and upsets the local gossip before he arrives at the church. He arrives to a less than warm welcome from Father Fitzgibbon. O’Malley befriends some local hoodlums, as well as a run-away 18-year-old girl who is shunned by Father Fitzgibbon.

In the course of the movie you learn that O’Malley gave up a career in secular music to go into the ministry. As a songwriting priest he pens the tune “Going My Way” which he and his friends try to use, unsuccessfully, to raise money to pay off the church’s debts. GOING MY WAY won the Best Picture Oscar and was tops at the box office that year.

Crosby returned as Father O’Malley the next year in THE BELLS OF ST. MARY’S with co-star Ingrid Bergman. It was a major box office success as well.


(CCC, BBB, A, D, M) Very strong Christian worldview light on Jesus Christ, in a Catholic setting, but very strong in forgiveness, patience, and compassion; no foul language; no violence; no sex; no nudity; alcohol use; smoking; and, theft (shown as behavior to be corrected) and dishonesty.