

What You Need To Know:

EXPLICIT ILLS is an overview of life in an inner city neighborhood in North Philly. It focuses on a disparate group of characters that only come together in the final act. Among the characters are a young white drug dealer who sells pot and his artistic new girlfriend. Also, the cute 7-year-old son of a struggling single mother suffers from asthma, and a black teenager is interested in a girl at his school. Another black teenager practices weightlifting while his parents try to get money to start a health store. Finally, a white actor finds it hard making a living. The actor befriends the 7-year-old boy while the father trying to open a health store passes around flyers for some sort of socio-political rally.

EXPLICIT ILLS has some funny, heartfelt, redemptive moments, but the first two acts wander a lot. Most viewers probably will wonder what all these characters really have to do with one another. The third act gives the answer. The whole movie comes down to a plea for socialism, including government healthcare and housing. It also contains plenty of strong foul language, brief sexual references, and marijuana use.


(PaPa, C, B, HH, PCPCPC, SoSoSo, O, LL, VV, S, N, A, DD, MM) Strong mixed pagan worldview with light Christian elements, some moral elements but with a strong humanist viewpoint with very strong politically correct, socialist elements in the climactic third act, plus brief occult content two young teenagers say they believe in ghosts; 22 obscenities (mostly “f” words) and two light profanities; brief strong violence when gangster gags and ties up drug-dealing competitor and hits him hard with gun, plus boy suffers asthma attacks; implied fornication and woman lets son stay at friend’s house so she and husband can have some alone time, plus one or two crude sexual comments; upper male nudity in several scenes; alcohol use; smoking and marijuana use and marijuana sales are promoted; and, one father makes a crude comment about being a playboy to his teenage son and single mother is irresponsible in caring for her sick son but socialist movie makes her out to be some sort of victim.

More Detail:

EXPLICIT ILLS is an overview of life in an inner city neighborhood in North Philly, where some gentrification has taken place. It focuses on a disparate group of characters that only come together in the final act.

Among the characters in the movie are: a young white drug dealer who sells pot and his artistic new girlfriend; a cute 7-year-old boy suffering from asthma and his struggling single mother; a black teenager who’s interested in a girl at his school; another black teenager who wants to be a weightlifter and his parents who are trying to get money to start a health food store; and, a white actor who’s finding it hard making a living. The actor befriends the 7-year-old boy while the father trying to open a health store passes around flyers for some sort of socio-political rally in the neighborhood.

EXPLICIT ILLS has some funny, heartfelt, redemptive moments, but the first two acts wander quite a bit. This probably will make most viewers wonder what all these characters really have to do with one another. The third act gives the answer. The whole movie comes down to a protest plea for socialism, including government healthcare and housing. As such, the movie tries to gather sympathy for the single mother of the boy with asthma. In reality, however, the single mother seems to be completely irresponsible. She should have given up the boy for adoption if she didn’t have the wherewithal to take care of him properly. As conservative pundit Ann Coulter proves in her new book, GUILTY, socialist activists and socialist journalists (like the socialist filmmakers behind this movie) keep turning single mothers into victims, but the true facts are quite different.

That said, the movie’s plea for government socialism is not a biblical solution. The Bible’s solutions for poverty and lack of healthcare are marriage between one man and one woman (Matthew 19), hard work (Proverbs 10:4), proper education of children by their mothers and fathers (Deut. 6:4-9), sexual purity (1 Cor. 6:18), family responsibility (1 Timothy 5:8 and 5:16), private charity (Deut. 14: 28-29, Proverbs 14:31, Proverbs 19:17, Proverbs 28:27, Isaiah 58:7, and Matthew 6:1-4), and punishing evildoers, especially those who commit violent crimes, which bring chaos to the home and poverty to a neighborhood (Romans 13, Numbers 35:31 and Deut. 21:18-21).

In addition to promoting an unbiblical solution to the problems of poverty, EXPLICIT ILLS promotes selling and smoking marijuana. It also contains plenty of strong crude language, most of them “f” words.